Evangelism Ellen G White Audiobook 1 OF 2

2 months ago

Original audio https://ellenwhiteaudio.org
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Evangelism Ellen G White Audiobook 1

What does the bible say about all nations ? What an incredible book Evangelism from Ellen g White The bible says if you do not warn the wicked then their blood will be on you . Thus we see that apathy is a sin as we are responsible for the light we know . Go preach the gospel to all nations The people around us are dying without Jesus how long shall we continue caring for ourselves and not others ?

What does the bible say about all nations ? If you love others you will tell them that they are on theri way to hell and suffering . You can warn them because the creator called you and saved you from eternal destruction so that you can tell others to escape the eternal destruction that is coming upon the whole world Go preach the gospel to all nations

Why not start today spending time regularly to tell others that Jesus loves them ? One day very soon it will be too late The time is short and soon we will not be able to warn those who are perishing without God What does the bible say about all nations ? Go preach the gospel to all nations

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