18. The Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:1-20)

4 months ago

In this so-called chapter of parables, Mark starts by reporting the 'parable on parables,' usually referred to as 'The Parable of the Sower,' but which might be better called, 'The Parable of the Four Soils.' The seed of God's Word is sown broadly, but it seems the response is modest at best, with only one type of 'soil' finally producing a useful harvest. There is, nevertheless, good reason for the sower to keep on sowing, because that one productive soil may produce in incalculable measure!

This is a parable about parables because just as there are limited 'soils' that respond favorably to the 'seed,' so it is that only those who have 'ears to hear' will respond favorably to the parables. It is only to those to whom the gift of understanding has been that a grasp of the parables follows, understanding not based on human genius, but rather on the free gift of God's grace.

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