101224 Prophetic Word - "I Send These Judgments Via The Hand Of Man"

4 months ago

Prophetic Word - "I Send These Judgments Via The Hand Of Man"
A last days messenger for Christ, Yeshua
#AbideInChrist #Lastdays #PropheticWordsofChristYeshua
Shalom be to you all - thank you very much for tuning into today. This message comes to you today from a Canadian brother in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the Solitary Man, on the Substack App.
Hello & welcome to all new subscribers on my end-times channel for the Lord Yeshua Ha'Mashiach's glory, amein!
I pray everyone who listens and takes heed to the Lord God's message will understand and be blessed.
More need to be repenting now..
Thank you, Abba Yah bless you! Amein.

Please 👍 and if you feel led, please SHARE!


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