Episode 166, "Merican"

5 months ago

-Andrew For America talks about being an aging punk rocker, and plays a clip of Henry Rollins saying why he doesn’t want to be in a band again. Andrew also talks about stupid Americans, and reads the lyrics to the song ‘Merican by the band, The Descendent’s. Andrew then talks about the benefits of cash vs digital currency, the shitty education system, the “singularity,” AGI (artificial general intelligence), and AI becoming self-aware. Andrew then ends by delivering a lament about how bad modern-day America has become, the country itself, as well as the people, and he urges his listeners to start taking personal responsibility and accountability for their actions. He plays clips from Tucker Carlson, Brad Lea, and others to help illustrate his point. Seek the truth…and the truth shall set you free.

-The song selections are the songs, "Living In Denial" and a cover of Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me" by the band One Reason To Rise.

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