Secret Space Program - Ancient Astronauts - John Wilkins - Jacobean Space Programme

4 months ago

Space flight was first attempted not by Russia nor America, but by 17th century academics of England. To walk on the moon was their goal.

The first prediction that men would walk on the moon, was made even earlier than that... one hundred years after the death of Christ.

The Syrian writer Lucian,describes a Mediterranean ship, lifted by a water spout to a height 350 miles above the earth. When wind filled the sails the ship was carried aloft for seven days, after which it cast anchor on Earth's only satellite. That was the first science fiction book.

It was not until the 1600's that the first men tried to reach the moon.

Galileo's telescope, by means of sunspot tracking, proved the sun itself rotates every 28 days. The features of the moon were now seen to be land masses such as mountains and craters. For the first time instead of a pale dot in the sky, Jupiter is shown to be another world with its own moons.

At first, telescope tubes were made from lead pipe or hollowed-out wood. They soon became mass produced, using tubes of cardboard. Telescope mania was sweeping Europe.

Men were speculating, if God made other worlds, surely he would have supplied them with life similar to that of Earth. Are there people living there? Jupiterians? Saturnians? Venusians?

They invented a name for moon men, "Selenites", taken from the name of the Greek moon goddess Selene, and while sitting at the eye of a telescope, they wondered if the Selenites themselves were looking back at Earth.

17th century England was ruled by James the First and later by James the Second, so this era is called Jacobean, because "Jacob" is the biblical version of the name "James".

Until the Jacobean age the ancients were the supreme scientific authority, because the Romans and the Greeks lived so close to the time of Creation, and they were "less corrupted". The invention of scientific instruments like the telescope changed that attitude, for suddenly new discoveries were being made.

Early scientist Dr. John Wilkins was the Warden in charge of, and responsible for the welfare of the student body of Wadham College. He was also a magnetic leader who gathered together leading geniuses of the age: Robert Boyle, Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, and Christopher Brooks Manciple, among others, with a goal of attaining interplanetary space flight. Using trigonometry they accurately calculated the distance to the moon as just under one-quarter of a million miles, with an accuracy of 99.9 percent.

In Wilkins' opinion, after receiving funding from twenty men, contributing forty dollars apiece, the space program would require only a set of good blueprints, a skilled blacksmith and a handy mechanic. The power source would be large springs whose power would be increased by a system of gears, after the springs had been compressed in the manner of pistons, by the force of gunpowder.

On New Year's day in 1654 on the grounds of Wadham College, aided by his team of early scientists, a test launch was conducted by John Wilkins on farm land owned by Oxford university, of a missile fueled by gunpowder. The astronaut was a reknowned astrologist. Flight was achieved and the astrologist rocketed skyward, but the vessel had not disappeared from sight, before it pointed back at a most fortuitous spot on earth, to fall and plunge into a pond which was covered at the time with a dual layer of snow and ice. Incredibly, the brave astronaut survived re-entry... for nine days, before expiring from his injuries.

The Jacobean space program came to its end when the experimental scientists of that era finally uncovered the problem of energy loss by friction. The law of diminishing returns made it impossible to power space flight at man's current level of technology. But the most important advance had already been made... a break from complete dependence on the knowledge of the ancients.


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