AM LOVE, song for Love, Peace and Unity. Fundraiser links below, donations of £1.30 upwards.

4 months ago

Hello, I'm Anna Ellerington. I am singing AM LOVE, the first of Heart Seeds For Humanity’s chain of fundraising songs in aid of Cool Earth Charity, Ethos Foundation Charity and MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES MSF, also known as Doctors Without Borders Charity.
Heart Seeds For Humanity's fundraiser page for to MSF/ Doctors Without Borders.
Heart Seeds For Humanity fundraising page for Cool Earth
Heart Seeds For Humanity fundraiser direct link to Ethos Foundation’s charity, who provide free educational permaculture programs for refugee camps in East Africa.
This Rumble channel has been set up for people to help people. it is non- profit. Any monies paid from Rumble for public watching these videos, will go directly back to Charity. You choose by vote, whether that be distributed to one, or shared between all charities the channel is supporting.
MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES MSF, also known as Doctors Without Borders Charity is the world's leading medical humanitarian aid organisation. They provide emergency assistance to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics and natural or man-made disasters, without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.

A special message from MSF
ETHOS FOUNDATION CHARITY PROVIDE FREE EDUCATIONAL PERMACULTURE PROGRAMMES FOR REFUGEES in camps in East Africa and are at the forefront of addressing climate change.
COOL EARTH EXISTS TO TACKLE THE CLIMATE CRISIS. They do this by backing, supporting and listening to indigenous peoples and local communities living in the rainforest. So they can continue to protect and steward the most efficient carbon-storing technology that we all depend on, the rainforest.

HEART SEEDS FOR HUMANITY IS A NEW GRASS ROOTS, NON-PROFIT ARTS HUB of creative volunteers, uniting public and all Arts platforms to collectively help those who are suffering the impacts of wars and climate crisis. We can do this by fundraising through creative engagement, that everyone can enjoy. AM LOVE ( copyright, all rights reserved) is our first song in a chain of fundraising songs. Please like and subscribe to this channel. Visit AM LOVE song blog to also leave your comments and ideas. Thank you so much for watching . If you are a singer/musician, or singing group and would like to create your version of AM LOVE for this channel fundraiser, or contribute a song of your choice, please go to for contact details. If you have a project and wish to join in, we would love to hear from you.
A special thanks to the following people for video material Svklimkin and for photography; Goran Jakus, Olga Danylenko, Zoteva, Natalia Rapoport, Travels by Chris UK, Jacob.og,

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