Trump's Triumphs #90: Barack Leads; Trump Recedes Kamala Precedes A 2025 Election Redux...

3 months ago

Kamala "Coconut Tree" Harris will not be a Presidential Judgment from God. Donald J. Trump will not take office because of the "Prince of the Air". Necessitating a Presidential Redux...
Buckle up for a wild ride that will not end in insurrection or civil war but rather in an election Redux.
Who Are The Guilty Parties Of The 9/11/2001 Terror & What We Must Never Forget...
The final war on earth began on 9/11/2001 when the Muslims attacked the resurrected Holy Roman empire rising out of the sea; The United States. The MAGA supporters try to battle it out without God vs. the Godless Demon-Rats. & The Teflon Don's "Make God Great Again" final spiritual battle on earth.
The Final War on Earth Continues on the 24th Anniversary of 9/11/2001. The Twin Towers come straight down defying the law of Gravity and Physics. The world has a conspiracy theory bonanza, while no one thinks to look to the bible for the prophecy of the final war on earth pitting the muslims vs. the christians so the Jews can turn the other cheek.
Biblical Health #61: The 9\11 Conspiracy Theories Battle It Out vs. The Bible Prophecies of 9/11
9/11/2001 Conspiracy Theories Explained By 4 Bible Prophecies: The Final Battle On Earth Begins...
Trump's Triumphs #90: Barack Leads; Trump Recedes Kamala Precedes A 2025 Election Redux...
november fifth twenty twenty four, election fraud, illegal ballots, election chaos, trump, kamala, waltz, barack hussein obama, election month, supreme court, satan, barack devorah,

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