Welcome to Heart Seeds For Humanity. An invitation for the public and all the Arts platforms

4 months ago

All donations are made through the charity links below each video. The links take you to justgiving.com fundraising platform. JustGiving send donations directly to the charities. Donations to Ethos Foundation are made directly through their website.
AM LOVE song fundraiser link. https://rumble.com/v5ifhl9-am-love-song-for-love-peace-and-unity.-fundraiser-links-below-donations-of-.html
To Find out more about the charities, here are links to websites
MSF/Doctors Without Borders Charity https://www.msf.org/
Cool Earth Charity https://www.coolearth.org/
Ethos Foundation Charity https://permacultureeducationinstitute.org/ethos-foundation/
This Rumble channel has been set up for people to help people. It is non- profit. Any monies paid from Rumble for public watching these videos, will go directly back to Charity. You choose by vote, whether that be distributed to one, or shared between all charities the channel is supporting. heartseedsforhumanity.co.uk

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