Polish Genius : Julian Ochorowicz

3 days ago

Who would have thought that in the history of the Eiffel Tower there was a significant thread whose hero was a Pole? The character of Julian Ochorowicz is not widely known. The Museum of Magical Realism, established in Wisła in 2017 in a villa called Ochorowiczówka, contributes to the increase in knowledge about this extraordinary man. Part of the permanent exhibition is devoted to Julian Ochorowicz - an extraordinary scientist, a versatile figure, an inventor, and a specialist in the field of psychology. Let us return, however, to the topic related to the Eiffel Tower, currently one of the main tourist attractions in the world, a symbol of France and an element permanently inscribed in the architectural landscape of Paris. The Eiffel Tower was constructed especially for the 1889 World Exhibition. It was intended to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution and to present the technical achievements of the era by displaying the iron used in its construction. Initially, the tower was supposed to be only a temporary exhibition piece, demolished after 20 years. The tower's constructor - Gustave Eiffel - did not want to allow the tower to be dismantled. So a laboratory was placed on the tower. This is where the story begins and the intervention of Julian Ochorowicz, whose invention - an experimental wireless telegraph (it transmitted a signal for dozens of kilometers!) was installed on the tower. Due to the effectiveness of the telegraph and the reputation of the inventor in France, the French authorities decided to maintain the tower. It can be said that it is thanks to Ochorowicz's innovation that we can still admire the Eiffel Tower today. The telegraph mounted on the Eiffel Tower is just one of Ochorowicz's unique achievements. His further inventions include: creating the theoretical basis for the operation of television, emitting sounds and building the first brick house in Wisła (today called Ochorowiczówka), which initiated the culture of summer houses in this region. Moreover, in his scientific career as a psychologist, Ochorowicz cooperated with exceptional specialists in this field of science. These were the French - Nobel Prize winner Charles Richet, Thèodul Ribot - the precursor of French scientific psychology, and Jean Charcot, one of the founders of psychiatry. Ochorowicz was also appointed the first assistant professor of empirical psychology at a Polish university. He conducted experimental psychological research, including in the field of hypnosis, which was pioneering at that time. His achievements were particularly appreciated in France. Ochorowicz was also in contact with outstanding Polish personalities of the era, such as Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Witold Gombrowicz, Bolesław Prus and Władysław Reymont, who wrote part of "Peasants" while staying in "Ochorowiczówka".

In this way, we can confidently admit that Poland has its share in the history of the Eiffel Tower, and the figure of Julian Ochorowicz is permanently inscribed in the world's historical heritage.

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