Saturday Studies Daniel 5 10-12-2024

17 hours ago

Daniel chapter 5 gives us the story of the handwriting on the wall. Belshazzar, the grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar was serving as king of Babylon. In the midst of a drunken party, God sent a hand that wrote on the wall of the king's palace. Belshazzar could not read or understand it and he became disturbed and asked for the wise men to come in and read and interpret it. When they could not read or interpret it, the queen told Belshazzar that Daniel would be able, so Daniel was brought in before the king. Daniel read and interpreted the writing, which told of the end of the Babylonian empire.
That night Belshazzar was killed and the army of the Medes and Persians took over Babylon, becoming the next world empire of the Times of the Gentiles represented by the arms of silver in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

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