Chemtrails: Because Controlling the Weather is So Last Century

3 hours ago

"Well, well, well, look who's finally catching on! Weather manipulation—oh sorry, I mean 'Stratospheric Aerosol Injection'—isn't some tinfoil-hat fantasy cooked up in a conspiracy theorist’s basement. Nope, it's real, and apparently, it's as old as your grandma’s TV dinners. Who knew the skies were a playground for scientific hijinks?

New Hampshire state reps just stood up in their fine suits, actually debating if we should stop spraying stuff into the atmosphere like it’s Febreze on a hot day. Yeah, they’re talking about banning chemtrails—those lovely white streaks we see in the sky that we’ve all totally ignored for decades.

And hey, Tennessee already dropped the hammer on this back in July, giving chemtrails the boot. Other states are now lining up to join the ‘Stop Playing God With the Weather’ movement. So, it turns out, the 'crazy' folks who spent years warning us that something weird was going on up there were actually onto something. Who would've thought, right? Legislators fighting against cloud tinkering—next, they’ll be coming for your rain dances!"

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