Isaiah 45 – Who created evil?

5 days ago

Isa 45:7 The One forming light and creating darkness, Causing well-being
and creating calamity; I am the LORD who does all these.
This is a very interesting passage and has a specific message for Persia. It was near the time of Cyrus that a man named Zoroaster was preaching a religion that later became known as Zoroastrianism. This religion was a rejection of the polytheism of that day (the worship of many gods) and stated that there is only one god, Ahura Mazda, the god of light. Elohim is saying here in this verse that He created light, it is not some sort of all-powerful light. Zoroastrianism also states that evil originated from one of the twin sons of Ahura Mazda (or just Mazda). This religion states that one of the twin sons of Mazda, Spenta Mainyu, chose good, truth justice, and life. But his twin brother, Angra Mainyu, (meaning "The lie") chose evil, destruction, injustice, and death.

Elohim says here the evil did not originate from some pagan deity. Elohim is saying that He is the one that created evil. The Hebrew word for "calamity" in this passage is "ra'." It is used 120 times in the Tanakh. 94 of those times it is translated as "evil." The kjv and some other translations translate it as such. The passage specifically states that Elohim creates evil as well as makes peace.

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