🐆 **Jaguar's Aquatic Victory Tale** 🐊

5 months ago

Much to the chagrin of the caiman, this cat does not have a problem with water or being wet. In fact, jaguar are excellent swimmers. If they had fists, these medium sized crocodilians might be shaking them right now, as they spend most of their lives in the very same liquid.

Once the jaguar makes first contact and the caiman rolls over, you can see that the reptilian was injured in a previous encounter with something else, another caiman perhaps. This is not to take anything away from the jaguars spectacular feat of swimming up and landing a kill shot on an apex predator with its face, but the caiman was definitely not firing on all cylinders.

As most of you will have noticed, this jaguar is wearing a collar. No, it isn't someone's pet, tracking collars are used to do exactly what the name says: track the animal they are attached to. The data collected gives researchers insight into migration patterns, habitat use, and interactions with other animals

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