How Total Career Reinvention Can Lead to Unbreakable Growth with Brianne Adams

4 months ago

“Sometimes, it's not a mistake that we’re there. The mistake would be in staying longer than we need.” —Brianne Adams
While success and stability seem ideal, sometimes a dramatic career change paves the way for unforeseen opportunities. By letting go of preconceived notions and past definitions of success, we open ourselves to unbreakable growth far beyond what once was.
Brianne Adams is an entrepreneur and digital marketing expert with a distinguished background as a United States Marine Corps officer. After facing a period of personal and professional upheaval, she courageously reinvented her career path to become the founder of a fast-growing SEO agency.
Listen in as Scott and Brianne share how challenging times can force total career reinvention, how taking on jobs you're overqualified for can help discover hidden skills and lead you to your purpose, the importance of distinguishing between being self-employed and running an actual business, how faith plays a crucial role in overcoming professional challenges, and why we should never quit pursuing our goals.

Connect with Scott:
As the official Zig Ziglar Small Business Lawyer and a Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer, it’s no wonder that Scott Reib is known as “America’s Legal Coach.” For the last two decades, Scott has been helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and coaches “shatterproof” their businesses by implementing specific strategies for structure, growth, and protection.

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Episode Highlights:
03:19 Finding Strength in Changing Roles
09:32 Discovering Skills and Purpose From Working Humble Jobs
16:26 Niching Down
20:32 Pruned Back to Health Through Faith
25:09 Don’t Quit When Things Get Tough

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