“Democrats openly admit they keep blacks and Hispanics on a leash” #WalkAway Testimonial

5 months ago

Listen to Lattina Brown's awesome #WalkAway story

"I worked in city council in NYC. I thought city council was about change, improving the communities. I thought it was a government that really cared about the People. And a majority of the city council members were and are Democrats.
Working behind the scenes showed me that lobbyists control politicians, that politicians don’t have power; it’s the people with money that hold power.
The Democrat Party doesn’t care for blacks and Hispanics. They only care about money.
The conversations I heard behind the scenes would go like this, ‘hey, let’s do a community giveaway. Keep the blacks and Hispanics on a leash.’
The pandemic was another wake-up call.
Because I wasn’t repeating the same scripted answers that they were repeating, I was pushed to the side. If you’re a non-profit or a small-business owner, and you’re not bending the knee, you’re pushed to the side. Even if you’re black or Hispanic. It doesn’t matter.
Their policies were never meant to help us. They’re only meant to keep us in line and to control us, while they continue to destroy the city and this country.
This year, in May of 2024, I officially walked away the Democrat Party.
It is not the party I once loved. It is not the party I grew up knowing.
It’s radicalism. It’s communism. It’s a dictatorship.
It’s more racist than any other party I can think of. They use identify politics to try to hide their extremism, their racism.
Expect more black and Hispanics and Jewish people walking away and supporting Trump. TI THE democrat elites, lobbyists, and politicians, I say: YOU DID THIS TO US.
Be smart, and vote for Donald Trump.”
Let’s hear it for Lattna for having the courage to #WalkAway and share her story! She’s sure to wake more people up and lead them along the way. Glad to have you in NYC, Lattina!

The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. The #WalkAway Campaign is a movement of Patriots from all walks of life – men, women, black, brown, white, straight, LGBTQ, religious, and non-believers – who share something very important in common. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS, and we will not surrender our country.

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Brandon Straka
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