😮 "Frightening Prospect": Migrants Trading Military Service For Citizenship - Bret Weinstein & Joe Rogan (2.13.2024)

4 months ago

Transcript: (Auto-generated)

The jogan Experience youve already seen
a lot of people in the black community
that have turned towards Trump because
they're seeing what's going on with this
immigration and how it's affecting them
and the fact that these people that are
coming in that are illegal immigrants
are getting so much Aid that they're not
getting and they're like this is [ __ ]
crazy this is this is our community and
you're having these people come in
you're giving them food and money and
shelter and you won't do it for us and
we've been here forever and we're
Americans this is crazy and then there's
a lot of people that like even Michael
rppa report because of the way things
are going in the world is saying that
and he [ __ ] hates Trump and he talks
wild [ __ ] about Trump even he's saying
that that first of all that that's not
off the table and that now that's the
only solution well um I don't think
we're there yet but I but I don't think
on the basis of the time he would have
his temperament or his ability to build
a team you know Trump is kind of a a
oneman show and his team building
ability I don't think is enough to to
solve the problem either but the
punchline of that
is if Kennedy can't do it for whatever
reason if politics gets in the
way we still have to get whatever that
cabal is out of power immediately this
could not be more of an emergency we've
seen through covid how dangerous these
people are how little they care about
our well-being and we have to Rally
around whatever it is that a addresses
this problem and um you know as much as
I'm not a believer that Trump on his own
can do the job I would far prefer him to
another standard bearer of that cabal
the cabal is too dangerous and I say
this as you know I'm a lifelong Democrat
right this is my party that I'm telling
you cannot be trusted with governance
but that's where we
are the Border crisis M so you went and
saw the migration you saw the groups of
people that are making their way up
through yeah I was uh invited actually
my son and I my son Zach and I went to
Panama Panama where I have some history
uh I did my bat work on barl Colorado
Island in uh gatun Lake the Panama Canal
so Panama's a place I I'm familiar with
but Michael Yan invited us down to go
look at the migration in the Darian
province of Panama which is the province
bordering Colombia um as you probably
know there's a gap in the panamerican
highway about 60 Mi that were never
built um in this highway that otherwise
stretches from prudo Bay Alaska to the
southern tip of South
America and what's there is a uh
tremendously significant and very
difficult jungle in the Darian Gap so
there's a national park there and
ordinarily people do not cross the
Darian Gap it is a famously difficult
and what we see there is that the
Community is encouraging a massive
migration of people from South America
into Central America and that almost all
of those people are ending up crossing
our Southern border and entering the US
the ones who are questioned are claiming
political Asylum which is uh not
accurate so we talked to many many
migrants and um the Universal story
amongst the migrants who would talk to
us is that they were fleeing um bad
economic conditions in the direction of
what looks like greater opportunity
they've been told by the International
Community that they should come across
the Daran Gap where many of them are not
surviving the Tre it's extremely
dangerous uh and they're migrating
North now the really troubling thing
though is that that migration is
familiar in one way it looks a little
little bit like the migrations of
central Americans that migrated North
when we were
kids but there is another migration
there is a migration of Chinese
immigrants that looks different feels
different and is being housed in a
totally separate way in Daran for
reasons that are not in any way obvious
now I don't know exactly what to make of
that I have hypotheses there are no more
than that um
but the Chinese
migration is uh not forthcoming about
why it is migrating it is composed
mostly of young military AED men there
are some women present but it's not
50/50 by far and the International
Community has arranged separate
encampments the Chinese are in many
cases traveling a separate way across
the Daran Gap they're skipping some of
the worst parts of it uh traveling by
boat and
um as I think I mentioned they are when
asked where they're from where they're
going why they're going they are
uninterested in talking there's a
hostility to it that I found shocking
because for one thing if
imagined uh folks from almost anywhere
in the world were heading to the US
because didn't like the way things were
in China they feared their government
they thought that there was Economic
Opportunity they would be curious about
Americans these are soon to be their
countrymen they would tend to be
interested in talking and even if they
for some reason because they had lived
under a totalitarian regime felt that
they couldn't talk they wouldn't be
broadcasting H hostility they would be
ambivalent or something and that is not
the impression that they leave when
interacting with them so I found that
utterly alarming and I came to wonder if
the migration of people coming up from
South America many of whom by the way
are not South American there are people
coming from the Middle East we met
Afghans there are people from Iran Yemen
all over the world they land in Ecuador
which has no Visa requirement and then
they migrate through Colombia into
Central America and straight up to the
US but in any case that massive
seems to provide
a a cloak for this other migration from
China which is nothing if not
mysterious why are they letting it
happen why do you think the government
is allowing the border to be so porous
and why are they resisting when Texas
tries to do something about
it well I I always worry when we're
trying to
understand what's happening and it then
the information is not being shared with
us you have to ask yourself the question
of how many things how many separate
things are in play right before I went
to to Panama I thought there was a
migration of
people now I think there are there are
two one of them's clearly a migration
and the other one could well be an
so if I know that there are two things
then I can put them in two categories
and I can ask myself the question why is
this being allowed and why is that being
allowed the consensus maybe consensus is
too strong but the belief amongst many
who have been on the story of the
migration for years now is that this is
a ploy to
create voters Democratic voters and I
don't think that's impossible I think
that's probably playing a role I don't
know how realistic it is I don't know
whether or not it is clear that um
necessarily carry the uh the likelihood
of voting blue that The Blue Team
imagines but anyway I think that that's
a plausible explanation in part but I
don't think it it really covers it there
are other hypotheses that are darker
there is talk about the possibility of
trading citizenship for military service
I think that's a very frightening
Prospect but it I didn't invent the idea
it has been discussed and the problem is
that to the extent that we saw things
like the vaccine mandate drive out the
Skeptics from the
military this process would also bring
bring in a lot of people into military
service who would have more reason to
follow immoral orders
than uh a Citizen Soldier who had been
American their whole life in other words
if the if the power structure is
granting you citizenship which you want
in exchange for your obedience then what
is it that would cause you to say no so
if you wanted a force that was capable
of uh
um acting on behalf of tyranny against
Americans than a force that doesn't have
a deep history with the rights of being
an American that doesn't have a
long-standing allegiance to people
within the country that force would be
uh potentially more compliant and that
worries me a great that should worry you
I I didn't really didn't consider that
until you just said that but my thought
about this idea of the military turning
on the citizens was always but the
military is is Citizens and many of them
are deeply patriotic and
unlikely to do something like that but
if they did swap out
immigrants and they did do that holy
[ __ ] this is exactly then you have a
real coup this is what Spooks me is that
well in thinking about the various
scenarios five years ago even three
years ago I would have said I fear that
somebody is going to issue immoral
orders to the military but I'm convinced
that the military will divide over them
that there are those who will Who will
carry out immoral orders and there are
others who won't and at the same time
there's a senator I think from
Massachusetts that introduced a bill to
ban what they call paramilitary
training which is just training with
Firearms like to get better at them
right so the idea is you you're you have
a right to keep and be arms but you
can't be good at them because you can't
practice so if you imagine in my naive
State a few years ago the idea was well
you have a very well-armed populace you
have a military that's likely to be
divided about immoral
orders I don't like the sound of that
but I don't think that it's a slam dunk
that the tyrants win because the milit
the part of the military that's not
going to follow immoral orders and the
citizenry that will fight to defend the
Republic that's a pretty powerful force
but then you have vaccine mandates which
force out most of the people who are
independent minded from the military and
then you have the idea that migrants
might be granted citizenship uh in
exchange for military service and has
that been introduced anywhere is this
just a complete hypothesis no it's not a
it's not a hypothesis actually maybe
Jamie you could look it up I don't want
to slander anybody but yes I believe it
has been raised uh by at least one Senator
Is that the paramilitary thing? No no no no the other thing the thing about
um granting citizenship to illegal immigrants in in exchange for military
service. So in any case um I did not it took a lot of thinking about
different pieces of the puzzle to begin to wonder about something like this but
having wondered about it it doesn't disappear from my mind as oh that's just
simply crazy actually this given the number of things that don't add up this
begins to explain them in you know a reasonably parsimonious way and it it
has me worried but that is not
inherently in fact it is probably not
the same thing as what would explain the
concentration of Chinese migrants right
right the Chinese migrants presumably
have left China with the knowledge of
government the bias of that group in
favor of
males something we can talk talk about
if if you want to but it has a you know
an obvious
interpretation and that ought to
frighten us as well right so at the same
how many are we talking about is there
an estimate of how many military AED
Chinese men have gotten into the country
now I'm always hesitant at this point in
the conversation because what I saw is
what one person looks at through their
eyes so I'm in no position to estimate
that but I believe we are talking about
tens of thousands certainly when we're
talking about the entire migration we
are talking about millions and the
number that is flowing through uh
Central America you know the flowthrough
rate in a given day is many
thousands so
um it's hard to know and I would I would
want somebody who was in a position to
look at an estimate not just a you know
a spot check to so if the tyrannical
government is playing some long game of
chess these are the pieces they would be
moving I could find on a number Chinese
immigrants who enter the US without
authorization 2023 it's over 30,000 look
at how low it was in 2021 yep and how
high it is in 2023 what's the source on
this uh this is US Customs and Border
Protection oh my God and that's probably
a low estimate you know it's probably
like Vees um when I was looking up the
other thing about the military I
couldn't I think you have to have a
green card first before then give him a
green card that's also this also was talking about the numbers are down for the Air Force the Army yeah for everybody they're actually asking people who retired to come back.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v4d7nmh-joe-rogan-why-bret-weinstein-is-concerned-about-the-migrant-crisis-02.13.20.html

Full Rogan Show: https://rumble.com/v4ddzif-joe-rogan-dr.-bret-weinstein-02.13.2024.html

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