Vaxxed to Kill

5 days ago

Vaxxed III presents footage from “The People’s Study”—stories collected by Polly and the CHD Films team during a nine-month journey across America in the VAXXED bus. Describing the firsthand testimonies that they heard, gathered from “mothers, fathers, teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life,”

Educate Before You Vaccinate!

"Any politician or scientist who tells you these [GMO] products are safe is either very stupid or lying."
- David Suzuki, CC, OBC, Ph.D LLD, Geneticist

“And look, I guess in a certain way I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.”
- Donald J. Trump

"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."
~ James R. Shannon - National Institute of Health

"Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced... and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."
- New York Press, January 26, 1909, from a report by W.B.Clark

CDC Admits Scary Truths About Vaccine

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