Episode 2578: The Synod on Synodality: Threat to Tradition

3 months ago

The Synod on Synodality has been presented with assurances that the changes being proposed are irreversible. This reflects similar rhetoric used in describing Pope Francis’s papacy, where reforms are framed in such a way that they aim to permanently alter the Church's foundational structures, so there is no possibility for returning to earlier traditions. These changes represent a clear departure from what Christ and the Apostles handed down to us.
St. Vincent of Lérins wisely said, “Let that which has been believed everywhere, always, by all, be held firm.” The desire to make irreversible changes contradicts this principle, placing temporal concerns over eternal truths.
The Synodal Agenda: A Veiled Assault on Papal Authority
Not long ago, a document was circulated within the Roman Curia, suggesting a transformation of the papacy into a more synodal institution. This plan would reduce the Pope’s role to a symbolic figurehead, while granting bishops more authority, effectively diminishing the traditional understanding of papal primacy and infallibility, as defined at the First Vatican Council.
This is in clear conflict with the words of Christ: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). Christ entrusted Peter and his successors with a unique authority, which this synodal model seeks to undermine.
Pope Pius IX said in his encyclical Quanta Cura, “Nothing is to be innovated, but everything handed down is to be maintained.” By attempting to decentralize papal authority, proponents of this change move away from this crucial directive.
Alternatives to the Church's Power Pyramid Structure
A recent headline read, “Alternatives to the Church’s Power Pyramid Structure Sought Again.” This rhetoric attempts to cast doubt on the hierarchical nature of the Church, which has been divinely instituted. The Church is not a human organization open to constant structural revisions. Its hierarchical model Pope, bishops, priests, and laity is the order Christ established.
Let me provide you an overview of what the article said:
The article “Alternatives to the Church’s Power Pyramid Structure Sought Again” discusses ongoing efforts within the Catholic Church to reform its traditional hierarchical structure. The focus is on Pope Francis’s initiative to promote a synodal approach that emphasizes dialogue and collaboration among the Church's members, including both clergy and laity.
Key points include:
Synodality vs. Hierarchical Structure: The article outlines how Pope Francis seeks to move away from the Church's traditional power pyramid, which has often led to clericalism and a sense of untouchability among clergy. The goal is to create a more inclusive decision-making process, characterized as a “spiral” of consultation between local dioceses, episcopal conferences, and the Vatican, rather than a straightforward top-down model
Challenges of Change: Despite these aspirations, there are concerns about the implications of such a shift. Some fear that reducing the central authority of the Vatican could lead to a more bureaucratic or non-traditional Church structure, similar to that of NGOs. Questions around authority and accountability remain significant barriers
Historical Context and Future Vision: The article highlights that these discussions are not new; they build on past synodal experiences and the teachings of previous popes. The synod aims to establish a culture of encounter, encouraging shared responsibility among all members of the Church
Long-Term Process: Participants in the synod recognize that true reform is a generational task. This process is not just about immediate changes but about fostering a new ecclesial culture where mutual respect and dialogue become the norm
If you want to read the article it is on Religion News Service.
As St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote in the early 2nd century: “Let all follow the bishop as Jesus Christ follows the Father, and the presbytery as the apostles; and let the deacons... be respected by you as the commandment of God.” This structure is not open to casual revision.
The True Motive: Power and Materialistic Concerns
The true driving force behind these synodal reforms is not the salvation of souls, but rather a reordering of power within the Church, prioritizing human authority dynamics over divine spiritual truth. “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.” (James 3:16). Materialistic concerns and a desire for power lead away from the Gospel and Christ's mission for the Church.
St. Pius X once warned in his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, “The true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators, but traditionalists.”

The synod’s agenda, focused on restructuring for worldly power, stands in stark contrast to this wisdom.
Case Study: The German Bishops' Push for Synodal Reforms
In Germany, Bishop Franz Josef Overbeck's statement underscores an effort to change the very nature of Church leadership. The desire to involve the laity in roles such as preaching and screening seminarians diminishes the sacramental role of the priesthood.
This directly conflicts with St. John Chrysostom's observation: “The priesthood is the most sublime of all created dignities… the priest’s hands touch the Incarnate Word.”
When the laity assumes roles reserved for the ordained, we blur the clear distinction between the ministerial priesthood and the common priesthood of the faithful, which Pope John Paul II outlined in Christifideles Laici: “The lay faithful share in the priestly mission of Christ… but this participation differs essentially, and not only in degree, from the ministerial priesthood.”

The Role of Fraternal Delegates and Ecumenism
Cardinal Koch has highlighted the ecumenical dimension of the Synod, with non-voting participants from other denominations involved. While unity among Christians is vital, we must remember that unity must be based on truth. St. Paul warns in Galatians 1:8, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” We must never compromise on Catholic doctrine for the sake of false unity.
St. Athanasius, a defender of orthodoxy during the Arian heresy, reminds us that, “They have the buildings, but we have the faith.” True ecumenism does not mean sacrificing doctrine for superficial peace.
The Hypocrisy of Synodal Enthusiasts
Advocates for women’s ordination are vocally criticizing the Church’s magisterial stance, while simultaneously calling for ambiguity. This duplicity is dangerous. St. Thomas Aquinas said, “A small error in the beginning leads to a great one in the end.” If we allow ambiguity and confusion to flourish, it will lead to even greater divisions within the Church.
Pope John Paul II, in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, declared, “In order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance... I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women.” To reopen this debate is to sow discord, not peace.
Jonathan Lytle's Observations on Moral Theology
Lytle notes that the Synod is moving away from objective moral truths and embracing proportionalism, the idea that circumstances justify actions regardless of moral absolutes. Pope John Paul II in Veritatis Splendor stated, “There are certain acts which, in and of themselves, independently of circumstances, are always seriously wrong by reason of their object.” The Synod's direction risks embracing relativism, which Pope Benedict XVI famously called “the dictatorship of relativism.”
Call to Defend the Faith
As St. Paul exhorted in 2 Timothy 4:2-4: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage... For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” Now is that time, and we must stand firm in the defense of our Faith.
Final Thoughts
As we conclude, let us remember the words of St. Athanasius, “Even if Catholics faithful to tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.” We are called to be that faithful remnant, standing strong in the face of modernist reforms.
May Our Lady of the Rosary protect and guide us in our efforts to uphold the truth. Ave Maria.
Closing Prayer
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O Lord, we thank You for this time spent in reflection and dialogue about the future of Your Church. We ask that You grant us the courage to stand firm against the winds of change that threaten to undermine our faith. May we always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we defend the sacred traditions passed down through the ages. We pray for our Church leaders, that they may be strengthened in their commitment to Your truth. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we remain united in faith and love.


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