Part 2 Seekers of the Truth: The Scattering and Gathering of Yahuah's People from the Four .....

3 months ago

Seekers of the Truth: The Scattering and Gathering of Yahuah's People from the Four Corners of the Earth
Greetings, beloved Seekers of the Truth,
In this journey to uncover the divine plan of Yahuah for His chosen people, we must explore the profound event of the scattering of the 12 Tribes of Yisrael to the four corners of the earth. This scattering, a direct consequence of disobedience to Yahuah’s commandments, was prophesied throughout scripture. Yet, alongside the curse of exile, there is also a promise of gathering a future time when Yahuah will bring His people back together from the lands of their dispersion.
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