Microphone Check| Controlling the Narrative of Who Invented Hip Hop | Apple Jacks Parody

3 months ago

Apple Jacks Commercial parody. Funny Cinnamon Vs Apple Race Parody.

Cinna-Busta Rhymes and Fat Apple Joe attempt to control the narrative of who invented hip hop. They race to see who can beat the other in telling their lie.

They both know that Latinos, Africans, and Caribbeans didn’t invent Hip Hop. They came later, after Foundational Black Americans (FBAs) invented it.

Thankfully Brother Tariq Nasheed, with the help of the grassroots, has taken it upon himself to create the film "Microphone Check" to destroy the lies pushed by corrupt lying mainstream WS organizations.

Check out the film or get involved by going to: https://microphonecheck.com

Fair Use:
The footage is used in a unique, comedic, and meaningful way. No infringement is intended.

A special thanks to:
Tariq Nasheed https://www.youtube.com/@MrTariqNasheed $KingFlex818

If you feel so inclined, here is my Cashapp: $blacktruthunited Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BlackTruthUnited

Thanks in advance for any donations and/or business.

Music Used:
Title: [FREE FOR PROFIT] GangStarr x New York Boom Bap Type Beat 2022 - "No More"
Artist: Prod. Goorski
Link: https://youtu.be/qp-fhv0iZYM?feature=shared

Related Videos:

Microphone Check: The Hidden History of Hip Hop (Official Trailer)

Microphone Check: The Hidden History of Hip Hop Documentary

Tariq nasheed: Gatekeeping Hip Hop

Tariq Nasheed: The Dangers of Erasing Black Culture

MoT #466 Why "Microphone Check" Is Significant

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