God Didn't Save Them From The Flames...When You're In The Middle Of The Fire #jesuslife

5 months ago

God let Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be thrown into the fire. He didn’t provide a way for them to avoid the fire… He could have done a million things to help them escape that fire. It would have been nothing for Him to do that. He could have struck down King Nebuchadnezzar with a lightning bolt. But He didn’t. He let them go into that fire.

Can you imagine how they must have felt as they were being marched down to that furnace? At that point, they would have had no idea that God was going to save them. They were preparing themselves to die a horrific death… burned alive. And God let them be thrown into those fiery flames.

But Jesus was in there with them… walking with them in the middle of that fire.

And when they were pulled out of that furnace, not a hair on their heads were singed, their clothes weren’t burnt, and they didn’t even smell like smoke. And that’s because JESUS was in that fire with them.

And He’ll do that same thing for you. Whatever fire you’re going through right now, no matter what it is, if you let Him, Jesus will walk through it with you so that your hair won’t be singed, your clothes won’t burn, and you won’t even smell like smoke.

And what that means is that you can be in the midst of that terrible fire yet still experience victory in your soul — you can have the peace of Christ no matter what fiery flames are swirling around you — if you let JESUS walk through that fire with you.

We like to think that God is going to answer our prayers by putting out the fires… moving us around the fire… but He doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes He’ll let you get thrown right into the middle of that fire…

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/ @bluetapp77

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