Neil Oliver: The creation and control of money is in the hands of secretive private businesses

2 months ago

"The creation and control of money is in the hands of secretive private businesses. It's that simple. Unelected and unaccountable, and in existence and empowered, only to line their own pockets by enslaving the masses with debt.
They control energy, they damn near control the food, they're working on it. They wage war wherever and whenever they like. In the end, it all comes down to the truth, access to the truth, determination to speak and share the truth. And so inevitably the same people that came for the money, that came for the energy, that came for the food, have come for the truth.
The US forced the sale to American business of Chinese owned TikTok. The European Union is pressurizing Elon Musk to cede control of X in meaningful ways. Macron's France has arrested the owner of an encrypted app that won't let the powerful read other people's private communications. In Britain, violent people freed from jails to make space for people who've done no more than post messages on social media that don't help further the enslaving, feudalizing ideology of Keir Starmer and the Uniparty, world's worst boy band. Everywhere the people are to be controlled, censored, silenced, kept apart from one another. Any person enabling in any way the masses to share information out of sight of prying eyes, regardless of whether that person is good, bad or indifferent.
Anyone representing privacy, anyone enabling conversations by like-minded people who've awoken to the big lie and in the end there only is one big lie. Anyone refusing to take part in shutting down the world is firmly in the crosshairs of the totalitarians. And all the money in the world won't protect that person's freedom. The freedom of any of us. Unless we speak up now."

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