Tim Walz is a Twisted Lying Little Lefist Creap, $41.5 Million For Male Tampons & Now This New Law

13 hours ago

Kamala Harris's tenure as San Francisco's District Attorney and California's Attorney General has drawn significant criticism for several reasons:

The DNA Evidence Controversy: One of the most contentious issues was her office's handling of DNA evidence in death penalty cases. Critics argue that Harris, despite her progressive stance, opposed DNA testing that could exonerate inmates

The Worst is the case of Kevin Cooper: Harris's office was reluctant to use modern DNA testing, which could have potentially proven the innocence of those on death row, thereby delaying justice for potentially innocent individuals.

Death Penalty Stance: Despite her personal opposition to the death penalty, Harris chose to defend California's death penalty system in court when she was Attorney General, which puzzled many who expected her to align her actions with her stated beliefs.

Truancy Policy: Harris introduced a policy to reduce truancy, which criminalized parents if their children missed school. This policy was criticized for disproportionately affecting low-income families and for potentially pushing children into the criminal justice system rather than addressing underlying issues like poverty or educational inequality.
Non-intervention in Mortgage Fraud: During the foreclosure crisis, Harris's decision not to prosecute OneWest Bank, accused of widespread misconduct, was seen as a failure to hold financial institutions accountable, favouring banks over homeowners.
Marijuana Prosecutions: While personally admitting to using marijuana, her office continued to prosecute marijuana-related cases, which seemed contradictory to her later support for legalization.
Backpage Controversy: Harris went after Backpage.com for sex trafficking but was criticized for focusing on legal sex work ad platforms rather than addressing broader human trafficking issues effectively.

Kamala Harris argued against reducing the prison population, citing the need for cheap labor, which was seen as endorsing a form of modern slavery. This is because Kamal Harris's feckless leadership on the US southern border, right into today's news, illustrates the country's disparity with her. Her hypocrisy in visiting the border 3 1/2 years late makes it difficult to take seriously any legal reforms she might make. It should make the people quite concerned about what she might do if you were given the power to make federal law.

Governor Tim Walz's decision to sign a bill that includes gender-affirming care in the definition of child abuse has sparked a heated debate. Critics argue that this law undermines parental rights and gives the state the power to make personal medical decisions, potentially leading to unprecedented interventions.

The implications of this legislation are significant. Labelling gender-affirming care as abuse could allow child protective services or other third parties to challenge custody across state lines based solely on a parent's support for their transgender child's identity. This has been criticized as an overreach, turning a deeply personal family matter into a legal battleground where the state or strangers could claim superior rights over a child's welfare compared to the child's own parents.

This is the most dangerous Leftist Law in the US, a dangerous precedent where ideological battles are fought over children's bodies. This could have a chilling effect on parents seeking what they believe to be the best care for their children. They argue that this law doesn't protect children but instead uses child welfare systems against families dealing with complex identity issues, creating an environment of fear rather than support.

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