Workout Shootout - A Morning of Exercise and Shooting in the Desert

4 months ago

One day, we decided to check group sizes while shooting prone.
The kicker: groups would be checked in between sets of exercise. Nothing too crazy, but enough to get the hand a little loose and the heart rate up.

55lb Kettlebell
Chris' sets: 5 cleans each arm, 10 swing-throughs
Scott's sets: 5 rows each arm, 10 swing-throughs

We got pretty much what we expected. The first group was tight. After exercising, sets began to open up. (Shooting worked as a rest between sets).

For the fifth group, we were allowed to use a bag for rear support.

The day was not a good one for exercising in general. Even fairly early in the morning, the temperature was 95+ and the humidity was less than 20%. Hot coffee was considered room-temp, in other words.

00:00 Intro
00:17 Chris
04:43 Scott

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