Friday Night Flights 10/11/24: After The Storm

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We're Back In Studio!!!!!! 2 Hurricanes and a link with the Hotep's Later, We Are BACK!!!!! And Boy we got some stuff to Talk about!!! Kamala has lost it and Obama Blaming Black Men, Helene Came thru and washed out ppl who wasnt even projected in the Thrashing... Milton Wiped Communities and People Cryin They Shoulda Stayed and WEATHER CONTROL... Real or Nah?!

All this and More TONIGHT!!!!

Wheels up at 8pm

#FridayNightFlights 8pm! ALWAYS on
Be sure to Follow me on Rumble and YouTube Subscribe and Tune in


Follow Me On X at @CportPro

Mic Check! (I do not own the rights to this music however I am a REGISTERED DJ and use my Right as a US Citizen to Exercise the Usage of the Fair Use Clause in the Copyright Act of 1976, which is codified at 17 U.S.C. § 107.)

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