Elon Musk Launches 'We, Robot' Event Touting The Coming Singularity-NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 11 2024

4 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Elon Musk is the world’s richest man, and he is using is outsized intellect to bring technological wonders to this sin-cursed world. Nearly twice as wealthy as Bill Gates, Musk seems to have the Midas touch, and everything he touches turns to gold. He single-handedly created the modern-day EV which soon will also be the world’s first fully-autonomous vehicle. He set his hand towards building rockets, and in short order, became bigger than NASA with rockets much more advanced than anything they have. Last night, Elon Musk launched an event called ‘We, Robot’, which as you might have already guessed, tells you about the coming, if not already here, transhumanism. Where is all this leading to, you ask? It leads you straight to the day after the Pretribulation Rapture removes the Church from off this Earth, and ushers in the short-lived, 7-year kingdom of Antichrist.

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