Pretty Desperate Woman: Julia Roberts Begs Gals To Convince Guys To Unite And Vote For Kamala

6 hours ago

Posted • October 11, 2024: We have once again arrived at one of the most annoying quadrennial occurrences: Celebrities telling us who to vote for shortly before a presidential election.

Anybody who votes for a particular candidate just because a celebrity said so shouldn't be allowed to cancel out our votes (which is most often the case because celebs are overwhelmingly liberal dolts with money), but sadly it does happen.

A few days ago, Amy wrote about Jessica Alba's pitch for Kamala Harris, which is laughable considering her fingerprints are all over the very "Bidenomics" that has made life harder for average Americans. Actress and businesswoman Jessica Alba in Phoenix: “Kamala Harris promises an opportunity economy where we won’t just get by but thrive.” -- They've all been sent a script. There are no actual compelling and real reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, and actress Julia Roberts was helpful enough to basically admit it below. The Harris campaign knows they have a huge problem with men of all demographics, and Roberts wants women to convince them that the candidate who has helped create so many of these problems is the one who can fix all these problems:

Julia Roberts tells women that their life currently sucks. Women, therefore, must make the men in their lives vote for Kamala. Only then will the little people be able to afford their rent and groceries. Hey Julia, who is currently the VP? Which party is running the U.S. Senate? Or how about you stop trying to control everyone around you & respect the choices of your spouse whether you agree or not. I see ppl pushing for Harris voters to even divorce their Trump supporting husbands. This is insanity! They want is to destroy families. Such a shame. The good news for Republicans: The Democrats have resorted to begging while providing no actual reasons other than "just do it." Ever notice their definition of "unity" is "everybody agreeing with Democrats" and these people who also consider themselves to be among the most tolerant seem to be incredibly intolerant of anybody who thinks differently? And Roberts is never going to stop and consider that maybe liberal women are a big part of all our problems.

Just a friendly FYI, Actors are not looking out for your family. As usual, I'm not going to take any endorsement advice from rich people who want us to believe other rich people aren't paying their fair share while they live in gated communities with armed security and then say walls don't work and guns don't make us safer. Oh, and then there's the celebs who get around via private jets who whine about the "existential threat" from burning fossil fuels. Hollywood libs are a bad joke and should be treated as such.

Rumble: Wealthy Actress Pretends She's Just Like The Rest Of Us As She Touts Kamala's 'Opportunity Economy'

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