P Diddy Whimsy

4 months ago


1.) Nick Fleming Intel Report : https://rumble.com/v5hjhxg-nick-fleming-rvgcr-intel-update-october-5-2024.html


3.) FEMA HURRICANE MAKING TREASON TUG https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8R7Dn7p/

4.) From Ricky “ Doc “ Rogers , Vice Chairman ~ Veterans Health @ The National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition.

From White Hat Navy Intelligence:

There is a lot of information to unpack here.


"Emmanuel Macron calls for a weapons embargo AGAINST Isreal."

That speaks volumes of the ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL WAR CRIMES Isreal has committed. From a world leader, bringing that to the world stage is a courageous thing to do. I'm sure there will be others who will step up and begin telling the world the truth now that Macron has broken the international ice.

Believe me, world leaders know the truth and the details, and they definitely know more than 99% of Americans.

Additionally, the International World Court (IWC) in The Hague has condemned EVERYTHING Isreal has done. They have an international arrest warrant out for Netanyahu (charge: crimes against humanity), this is why he is sequestered in Isreal and hasn't left Isreal since this began.

The IWC condemnation of Isreal (Netanyahu) includes:

1. Starting this conflict by attacking their own Isreali people on October 7, 2023. (Our 9/11 was an illegal act by Bush and Chaney)

2. Attacking a group of people without provocative (Hamas). BTW: Per the World Court and Geneva Convention. It is a WAR CRIME to attack and kill a "GROUP" of people, in this case (Hamas). Now, I say that in light of the United States attacking the Taliban (meaning Bush and Obama committed war crimes, too and should be placed on trial by the IWC).

3. Attacking their own people with missiles and then blaming a non participating country. (Palestine and Iran). (Keep in mind that United States Intel knows that Iran has NOT fired a single missile at Isreal or anyone else.

(The Iranian leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamene) stated they have not fired any missiles and have invited the International Coummunity to come to Iran and investigate. He has also asked the global countries to look at what Isreal is doing and to stop them from killing innocent people.

This is a stark contrast from what MSM is telling us. Meaning once again, we are NOT being told the truth.

Now, an interesting point. This is one of the reasons Biden is not in support of Isreal attacking Iran. He knows what I have previously written.

4. Attacking a sovereign country without provocation. (Palestine).

Last bit of info, history first. Bare with me.

You'll like this for your broadcasts:

The last time an area of land was given to a group of people or, in the case, a person. Pope Leo III 800 ce, made Charlemagne the holy Roman emperor of the west (everything west of Asia Minor, today Turkey), basically all of Europe. Meaning he owned it, and it was his.

As you know, England and the pope gave the jews the area known as Isreal via the Balfour Declaration. It's an absolutely illegal act.

PLUS, Isreal is not a recognized country under the international treaties' agreement.

Now I say this because this single item is why there is so much hate against Isreal and the jews because it's NOT their land then or now. It is the land of the Palestinians.

(Additionally, not withstanding, the Kharzarian brotherhood and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion outline their cause in the complete overthrow of the world dies NOT help their cause)

Isreal knows this, and this is why they are attacking Palestine, there is a bigger process they are working on.
( Isreal's rationale is if they commit genocide and kill ALL the Palestinians, there will be no Palestinians to make a claim on the land that is rightfully and legally theirs.

I know this is alot, but things are bringing to come together in my research.

I'm sure there will be more to follow.


I'm composing a encrypted "HAT" message. Is there a specific question you have?

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