Episode 63: Your Mortgage -

3 days ago

Show me the contract!

This week’s discourse is on the subject of contracts.

The first thing to note is that, no matter who or where you are, each and everyone of us is born with free will.

That fact means you are free to do just what you wish to do, as long as you abide by the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Given your free will, you do not have to engage in any kind of agreement (contract) that you do not choose to.

That is simple to the point that even a 5 year old can grasp it.

However, the forces of the demiurge - the entity that pretends to be the god of this realm whilst simultaneously acting as the ‘devil’, ‘satan’ or whatever name you wish to apply - go to often extreme lengths to coerce you into a variety of contracts. For example, marriage, a driving licence, council tax, mortgages, ‘loan’ agreements, employment contracts, rental agreements, registration of your children, registration of your chickens - the list is endless.

Without your consent and without full disclosure, no contract can exist.

Thanks for watching. Should you be appreciative of my discources and essays, then feel free to chuck me a few quid via the Buy Me a Coffee button http://buymeacoffee.com/modb

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