20240411 094027 Tux Playing with Teal Feather Toy

4 months ago

Besides enjoying it greatly, the goal here is to find people that will help keep #Tux fed after I move away in a couple of months. Needless to say, the drone of a security guard for the property didn't want me there for no good reason, and I welcomed him to call the police if he had an issue with my being there.

Given that the police haven't pushed transients and homeless people off of OUR private property for well over five years ("cuz da LAW"), there's no reason to think that I shouldn't be afforded the same (non-)treatment.

Desperately trying to find at least a few people that are willing to help. He lives directly across the bike path from the base of the steps. It couldn't be easier and would be a hugely nice and rewarding thing to do. In a normal culture, that is.

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