Weather Modification or Climate Change - WhatsHerFace

2 months ago

Credits: WhatsHerFace
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The elite’s: ”The oceans are rising!“
Also, the elites : “Let's buy ocean front property.”
"CO2 effects" (what all quadrillion+ of green plants breathe FFS) are extremely minute in comparison to what Water Vapor (Clouds) coming from all Earth Seas & Oceans (±70% of the surface of Earth!) connected to cyclical Sun-activity do effect climate every year and they ("authorities") fckn know it ... And what about all overt & covert Geoengineering Projects Worldwide is the biggest Elephant in the room most people do not want to see nor discuss. The hypocrisy is extreme in this case!
Even if there were NO humans on planet Earth, the climate will change ANYWAY ... it is called: "4 Seasons" and it happens for millions of years ... Four seasons happen because of the tilt of the Earth's axis. At different times of the year, the sun's rays hit different parts of the globe more directly .... On top of that, we have every 11 years CYCLICAL SOLAR STORMS affecting the climate of ALL Planets in our Solar System! ... Like having more Earth Quakes & much more Volcano Activities on the whole planet! (am not even mentioning Cosmic Gamma Rays fluctuation hitting the Earth in highs & lows) ... and they want to DENY all of that happens without human help without human interference ...
So who is the real climate denier and who is the climate-realist? ... The scale of non-human effects on Cyclical Climate Change is so vast and so big they decided to IGNORE all of it to demonize anyone who challenges their version of human climate effects. At the same time, they willfully ignore different types of overt & covert GEOENGINEERING projects creating artificial local weather extremes and blame it in CO2 what plants breathe for fck sake!
They even deny Global Cooling & Warming (Change) trends happened for millions of years when we had no human created pollution of any kind. The MASSIVE FRAUD (and systematical brainwashing) that is going on is NOT only how much the scale is we humans affect the climate trend also how much we suppose to "correct" it with our so called CO2 emissions that ALL plants need to breathe! ... This "Global Carbon Tax" aka "Global Governance" Agenda is connected to A.I. 5G Smart Surveillance Grid Micromanaging everybody to "Save The Earth" BS ... Pushing for a Totalitarian Collectivism, punishing everybody who is against it ... Just study what happens in Chinese "Social Credit System" (Black Mirror Episode going for real!) that soon will be implemented everywhere between now and 2030. You are losing privileges if you do not bow down (comply) to their Orwellian system based upon massive lies & deception. Tyrannical Agenda 21 is real, and ignoring it will not make it go away. You can ignore all what I just said, but you can not ignore the consequences of what is to come. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see what their true motives are.
JohnKuhles 🦜🦋🌳

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