Here's how people Manipulate you and Control YOU

4 months ago

If you have been manipulated by people in your life or worse.....
been controlled.....

You would always wonder how this happened. Like how could they get into my mind and manipulate me?

What if I told you it's simple to identify how they do this and it's pretty much straightforward to overcome this and take back control.

And that is not some weird strategies, techniques, or doing the same manipulative strategies on them.....but to do the INNER WORK.

But how is INNER WORK connected to me overcoming my insecurities???

Every manipulator, sociopath, energy vampire, or narcissist basically uses your insecurities against you.
They get close to you, get to know you, spend some time with you, make you feel comfortable, pull out your insecurities, and use them against you.

It's like they are bringing out the most unpleasant feelings inside you and mirroring back to you. And then use YOUR FEAR of uncertainty and your fear of the future to control you.

So the best way to overcome these manipulators is to actually do the inner work, deal with your inner demons and insecurities, and let go of them.

Let go of the fear of tomorrow and the fear of uncertainty.

With this, you basically cut off the power source from where these manipulators/energy vampires source their energy from.

And when your ability to control your dark thoughts and emotions outshines the insecurities you have...... you get emotionally strong and it basically becomes very hard for you to be manipulated or controlled.

Now your mind is clear and you have back your logical brain. This is the only way where you can deal with manipulators and control freaks.

If you try to fight them with more manipulative strategies implemented by you, you become just like them.

You cannot fight darkness with more darkness. The only way to fight darkness is to turn on the light.

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