Exposed: The Battle for Florida - Trump's Military Directing Milton Evacuations!

4 days ago

Welcome to our exclusive news show, where we bring you the latest developments and revelations from around the globe. Today, we have a series of shocking exposés that will make you question everything you thought you knew.

In the darkness of early morning on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, the White Hats saved six child victims of Hurricane Helene who had been kidnapped by FEMA agents for their international child sex trafficking ring. A White Hat/Red Hat coalition engaged with armed FEMA agents at the downtown Greenville Airport in South Carolina. Six blindfolded children, flanked by FEMA agents, were being taken from a maintenance warehouse to board a Cessna 441 Conquest. After killing the FEMA agents and freeing the children, Union forces firebombed the Cessna and FEMA’s ground vehicles. They then received a radio message saying FEMA reinforcements had learned of the incursion and were heading to the airport from Greenville, Brookhaven, and Easley. Although the children were taken to safety, we have yet to hear an update on the situation.

On that same Tuesday, October 8, 2024, in Candler, North Carolina, near Asheville, the White Hats arrested the kingpin of all-time human traffickers, "High Horseman," along with 41 of his men. The coalition had fought off and killed FEMA agents in order to get to the Satanic Coven of High Horseman, whom they had tried to catch for over thirty years. Candler, NC, is considered a hotbed WICCAN community composed of witches, witchcraft, and the Occult. After Hurricane Helene, numerous babies’ bodies had been seen floating in a river running by Candler. The babies weren't from local families but from a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) beneath Candler, now flooded, where human trafficking had taken place.

Of present concern is that FEMA, FBI, and ATF agents have erected mobile command centers just outside the projected impact zone of Hurricane Milton as it barreled toward the Sarasota-Tampa area with 160 mph sustained winds. Florida governor Ron DeSantis had already announced that the state had control of the situation and didn’t want FEMA in his state. DeSantis had enough of the Deep State kidnapping children from Florida. Navy SEALs had recently rescued kidnapped kids from a shipping container in Miami harbor.

Now, let's move on to the shocking revelations about the 2020 election. The truth is finally coming to light, and it's time to expose the biggest fraud in U.S. history. The 2020 election was a coup, and the evidence is overwhelming. Dominion and Smartmatic rigged the vote, flipping hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. The Brunson case is before the Supreme Court, addressing Congress’s failure to investigate fraud claims. If the court rules in Brunson’s favor, this could expose the fraud and pave the way to reinstate Trump as the rightful president!

On November 3, 2020, the most massive act of electoral fraud in modern American history unfolded. What began as a democratic election turned into a technologically advanced operation designed to steal the presidency. This wasn’t just political corruption—it was a calculated, nationwide heist that affected over 30 states and more than 2,000 counties! America, you’ve been lied to! The mainstream media, big tech, and corrupt elites want you to believe the 2020 election was secure. But the data, reports, and evidence say otherwise. This isn’t a conspiracy—it’s a fact, backed by cold, hard numbers!

The common thread: 30 states and 2,000 counties. It wasn’t just Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan. This fraud spanned 30 states! The common thread? Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software—the tools that flipped votes from Trump to Biden. The smoking gun: The New York Times' Election Report shows 104,984 stolen votes in Georgia and 347,768 votes stolen in Pennsylvania. Half a million votes stolen in just two states! This wasn’t human error—this was deliberate fraud!

How Dominion and Smartmatic rigged the vote. Dominion and Smartmatic used algorithms to flip votes in real-time. They weren’t counting votes—they were stealing them! With backdoors built into the system, third parties could manipulate results remotely. This wasn’t just isolated to swing states—it was nationwide. The Brunson case: The last hope for justice. But we’re not done yet. The Brunson case is before the Supreme Court, addressing Congress’s failure to investigate fraud claims. If the court rules in Brunson’s favor, this could expose the fraud and pave the way to reinstate Trump as the rightful president!

November 3, 2020, was a COUP. Make no mistake—what happened was a modern coup. No soldiers, no tanks—just tech, corruption, and deceit. But the truth is coming out, and we won’t be silenced! What’s next for America? We’re at a crossroads. Will we let these corrupt elites steal our country? Or will we fight back and restore justice? Support Brunson’s case, stay informed, and spread the truth. The battle for America is far from over. Stand up, patriots! The future of our nation depends on it!

Next, we have a shocking revelation from Japan. Japan has just issued a stern warning to Bill Gates after shocking discoveries of abortion-inducing drugs in Covid vaccines sent shockwaves around the world. Japan’s Covid Task Force uncovered explosive evidence of a depopulation agenda, with experts like Dr. Fukushima calling for Gates to face crimes against humanity charges. This seismic shift in global health is unraveling as Japan, known for its integrity, steps up to take on one of the most powerful figures in modern history. The globalist billionaire, Bill Gates, has long been accused of pushing his own agenda under the guise of philanthropy. But now, the mask is coming off. Depopulation? Abortion drugs in vaccines? These aren’t fringe theories anymore—Japan’s investigation has brought them to light, and the global community is starting to ask questions.

Bill Gates has used his vast influence, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to push his controversial health agendas, including population control. His fingerprints are all over initiatives that have long raised eyebrows—from vaccines to so-called “reproductive health services.” And now, Japan is the first nation to call him out on this global conspiracy. The scandal centers around Japan’s investigation into the vaccines distributed during the pandemic. Scientists discovered abortion-inducing drugs—a revelation that points to something far more sinister. Depopulation isn’t just a theory anymore; it’s becoming a glaring reality. Dr. Fukushima, Japan’s leading voice on this issue, isn’t mincing words. He’s accusing Gates of pushing these drugs as part of a deliberate attack on humanity.

Japan’s government is not backing down. They’ve vowed to pursue this to the end, calling for Gates to face the consequences of what they’re calling one of the biggest crimes of the century. The evidence is stacking up, and the world is watching as Japan takes the lead in this fight for truth and justice. As Gates’ empire of influence begins to crumble under the weight of these allegations, the question becomes: will other countries follow Japan’s lead? Will they finally start to investigate the vaccines and the powerful figures behind them? The global reckoning is here, and Japan has made it clear—they will not be silenced. Gates’ days of unchecked power are over. The walls are closing in, and the people are waking up. Japan is sounding the alarm, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire world demands justice. This is the beginning of the end for Gates—and it’s all unfolding right now.

Now, let's move on to another shocking revelation: The truth behind the Biolab chemical fire in Georgia: They’re hiding it. The sudden death of Kenny Johnson, who collapsed moments after testifying about the Biolab chemical fire, is not just a coincidence—it’s a cover-up in broad daylight! They’re trying to silence the truth, but we won’t let them! Johnson’s testimony revealed the dangers of the toxic chemicals released in the fire, and he didn’t mince words: “The chemicals at Biolab WILL KILL YOU.” Minutes later, he’s dead. Are we supposed to believe this was an unfortunate accident? Or was he silenced for exposing what Biolab didn’t want us to know?

This wasn’t just a warehouse fire. Biolab is calling it “just pool chemicals,” but don’t be fooled! The fire released deadly toxins, and now the man who sounded the alarm is gone. Coincidence? No way. The timing is too perfect—Johnson testified, exposed the dangers, and collapsed right after. This screams of something more sinister. Was he poisoned? People are whispering that he knew too much, and Biolab wanted him silenced before he revealed more. The truth is there for all to see.

Let’s not forget Biolab’s dirty history. This company has a track record of chemical mishaps and safety violations. They’ve endangered public safety before, and now they’re trying to sweep another catastrophe under the rug. They think we won’t notice? Think again! Where were the warnings when toxic smoke filled the air? Where’s the urgency to protect the people of Rockdale County? Johnson tried to warn us, and now he’s dead. Biolab is still downplaying the event, but we know better. This is criminal!

Johnson’s final words were chilling: “The chemicals WILL KILL YOU.” He didn’t say might, he said will. He was trying to protect us, and now his voice has been silenced. But we won’t let them bury this story. The people of Rockdale are in danger, and we need to demand justice for Johnson and everyone affected. Was he poisoned? Was this a targeted attack to silence the truth? All signs point to foul play. If we don’t demand a full, independent investigation, they’ll sweep this under the rug like so many times before.

The media’s silence on this is deafening. Why aren’t they covering this massive story? The answer is simple: big money, corporate interests, and powerful forces are at play. They’re banking on us forgetting, but we can’t let that happen. Here’s what you can do: Get checked if you live near Rockdale. Demand a third-party investigation into Kenny Johnson’s death. Share this story far and wide, and don’t let the truth be buried. This fight isn’t over until we say it’s over. We owe it to Kenny Johnson and the people of Rockdale to keep pushing for the truth. Are you ready to join the fight?

And now, let's talk about the global collapse unfolding now. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is already fully operational, standing by to destroy the corrupt financial structures the elites have used for generations. The truth is, the QFS is ready, but the elites are desperately trying to keep you from knowing about it. They’re terrified because they know this system will be the end of their control. As we move deeper into October 2024, the global financial system is spiraling out of control. The elites are pulling every string to maintain their grip, but inflation is exploding, debt is skyrocketing, and currencies are crumbling. Their last-ditch effort? CBDCs, their financial prison, a desperate move to install their digital currencies before the collapse crushes them.

The collapse is not a question of "if"—it’s happening. The elites are rushing to time it with their CBDCs rollout, but the White Hats are one step ahead. They’re allowing this chaos to unfold, knowing the QFS will rise from the ashes of the old system. This collapse? It’s ours. QFS is decades ahead of anything the elites have—unhackable, quantum-secured, and immune to the corruption that has allowed the elites to rig the system. It guarantees privacy, transparency, and decentralization, protecting your wealth from the prying eyes of governments and central banks.

So why isn’t it fully implemented yet? The timing has to be perfect. The QFS is waiting for the final collapse of the old system. This isn’t about chaos or panic—it’s about letting the corrupt institutions destroy themselves. Once the central banks collapse, the QFS will come online in full force. But here’s what they don’t want you to know: the QFS is already operational behind the scenes. Large-scale transactions are happening right now, bypassing the corrupt central banks entirely. Military insiders, especially from U.S. Space Force, are guarding this network, protecting it from any elite or foreign interference.

The recent military actions? Not random exercises. They’re directly connected to securing the QFS and ensuring its rollout. October 2024 is critical, with rumors swirling that military tribunals are ready to take down the corrupt banking elite when the system collapses. The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are on their last legs. They’re printing money in desperation, inflating their way toward the inevitable collapse. They know it’s coming, and so do you. The IMF talks of a “global reset,” but it’s not the QFS they’re talking about. They want total control through CBDCs, but the QFS is the sword that will cut through their plans.

Countries like Russia, Brazil, and several others are positioning themselves for the QFS transition. While the media paints them as isolated, they’re actually working with the White Hats to dismantle the old system and prepare for the QFS. The White Hats know the collapse is necessary, but they’re managing it to ensure your wealth is protected. This won’t be the chaotic free-for-all the elites are hoping for. The QFS will seamlessly replace the old system, returning control of wealth to We the People through NESARA/GESARA, a global reset that benefits all, not just the powerful.

The elites know their time is running out. They’re scrambling to implement CBDCs before the QFS exposes them, but they’re losing control. They can’t stop what’s coming. The QFS is already live, and the final cracks in their system are showing. October 2024 is critical—their plans are unraveling, and the QFS will soon rise, ushering in the greatest wealth transfer in history. Stay vigilant, Patriots. The collapse is not the end—it’s the beginning of our liberation. The QFS is ready, and when it’s activated, the world will never be the same.

Prepare yourself, because nothing can stop what’s coming. This is the financial revolution we’ve been waiting for!

For those of us who know and continue to learn some of the evils which enveloped the Earth, we must steel ourselves to help and save as many normies as possible. It will be the most horrifying challenge we will ever face. God is with us all the way, and God bless all of you great digital warriors.

The disasters opened the door for banker-owned US Inc. land grabs and worse, kidnapping for the Deep State’s lucrative Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring run by the Satan worshipping Vatican. The Deep State Elites were also believed behind the manmade Covid-19 Plandemic. Abortion drugs were recently found to be in the untested Covid-19 Vaccines, along with Cancer and Heart Attack causing nano-particles. These deadly Vaccines were mandated for millions of employees including the US Military, while hospitals and doctors were paid thousands to get it done. It all fit into the Deep State New World Order Depopulation Agenda 2030.

Then there was the 2020 Election Coup successfully accomplished by Deep State Democrats in cooperation with the CIA and Chinese Communist Party. It was easily done through rigging Dominion Voting Machines, stealing votes and blackmailing Congress to certify the election before investigating over 50 verified allegations of voter fraud.

Don’t you think it was well over time to pray for our own survival? Many did. So did the White Hats – and a miracle happened. Just as Hurricane Milton reached the Florida Coast its Eye-wall collapsed, the storm splintered and the Category Five Hurricane miraculously and suddenly downgraded to a Category Two. Milton then proceeded inland to flood and destroy the child trafficking tunnels beneath Disney World. Child rescue operations to be announced.

Stay vigilant, Patriots. The storm is upon us, and we are ready. The future belongs to the awake. Trust the plan and prepare for what’s coming. The truth will set us free.

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