Family Matters, Part 2: Submission

3 months ago

It is interesting to study the differences in family dynamics. We are all different, even from generation to generation. When you throw in cultural differences the family really becomes a diverse institution. Yet God has laid out some basic rules for family life and the roles we each play within the family if we want our families to be blessed by Him. These basics are true for all families, cultures and generations. As we return to our Family Matters study, Pastor Rick takes a look at part of the role God records for the wife. While some want to make it controversial, it shouldn’t be if we truly understand the concept of, “Submission.”
This message was taped during the morning service on September 8, 2024, and edited for broadcast for the week of October 13, 2024. If you would like to contact us, please use the contact information given at the end of this video. Thank you.

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