Polish Genius : Dr Olga Malinkiewicz

14 hours ago

Olga Malinkiewicz, co-founder and technology director of Saule Technologies, was awarded the European Inventor Award. She defeated competitors from Finland and France. The European Inventor Award is an award granted annually since 2006 by the European Patent Office (EPO). The award winners are scientists and engineers whose inventions "help advance technology and significantly improve the quality of life."

- Our mission is to register patents. But patents do not fall from the sky, there are people behind patented inventions. That is why the EPO established an award for inventors to recognize those who invent and improve technologies that are to serve all of us, said Luis Berenguer Giménez, spokesman for the European Patent Organization, in an interview with the Polish Press Agency. Dr. Olga Malinkiewicz, co-founder and chief technology officer of Saule Technologies, and her team were recognized for developing solar energy technology using cost-effective and environmentally friendly perovskite solar cells.Perovskite cells, printed on flexible foils, are "light, ultra-thin, translucent and very efficient, even in artificial light", thanks to which the scope of their applications is wider than in the case of traditional silicon cells - describes Saule Technologies, which was the first in the world to launch their production.

- We say that necessity is the mother of invention, and we all need clean energy. Sharing my research with people has always been the essence of my work as a scientist - emphasized the creator of this technology at the European Inventor Award gala at the Mediterranean Conference Center in Valletta (Malta).

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