Americans 'Left Paralyzed by Mandated Covid Vaccine' Now Abandoned And Branded Anti-Vaxxers

2 days ago

😢😢😢 ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ! 😠😠😠

Ohhh, that little girl, My Lord! I'm very sad and angry! The fact they keep pushing it under the rug is so infuriating

❖[Mark 9:42]❖
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.”

💭 Patients who were severely injured after taking mandated Covid vaccines say they feel 'abandoned' by the government and their doctors. has heard from dozens of healthcare workers, federal employees and military staff who claim they were left with debilitating side effects after receiving the vaccine when they were legally required to take it for their jobs.

Three of those women said while they remain 'pro-vaccine,' speaking out about their injuries has caused them to be accused of being 'anti-vaxxers.'

The push to quell damaging anti-vax misinformation has left those with genuine post-vaccination injuries treated like outcasts.

Michelle Utter of Florida was told she had to receive the Covid vaccine in 2021 in order to visit her military sons who were at port.

Within days, the former athlete, was crawling on the floor, feeling like she was 'on fire inside.' Now, the mother-of-three can hardly stand long enough to cook dinner.

Danielle Baker of Ohio, meanwhile, was the 'healthiest' she had been when she agreed to the vaccine in order to keep her nursing job.

Within hours of her second shot, she suffered shooting back pain that left her unable to move. Now, she is in heart and lung failure, unsure 'how much time' she has left.

And Gina Henson of Texas got the vaccine to protect elderly residents at the care home she worked at.

Six months later, she developed inflammation in the brain, which led to a stroke and more than three months in the hospital recovering. She can no longer work.

As of September 2024, about 13,400 Covid claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), a government program that offers compensation for medical injuries or deaths.

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