Why the world won`t stop Israel....

4 months ago

The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder.
The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza.
“The west cannot hide, they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say they didn’t know,” says Palestinian writer, Susan Abulhawa.This is “the first livestream genocide in history … If people are ignorant they are wilfully ignorant,” she says.
Why doesn`t any country stop Israel? It`s because the same shadow world government that orchestrated the Covid Scam, ordered countries to impose lockdowns, pushed for every citizen to be vaccinated, is now running this genocide of all resistance to its plans. Iran is allowed to drop some bombs in the desert to pretend it`s fighting Israel, but there is no real damage and no leadership is taken out. The USA is a perfect example of the Shadow government running a country. The thing pretending to be the President of the USA, is a half dead creature that doesn`t even know who he is. It`s clear that the shadow government is running the USA and running the main stream media. This is happening in all the so called `west`. The `leaders` of the so called `west`, don`t act for their own people, they act according to the dictates of the shadow government. The plan of the New World Order Shadow government , is to use Jerusalem as the seat of the `new world leader` who will come on the scene shortly. They must first rid the world of all resistance, Iran and Russia know this, and that`s why they won`t stop Israel. All western governments are behind the plan to install the new world leader in Jerusalem, that`s why, not one leader of the west ever condemns Israel. Israel is allowed to carry out the slaughter with impunity. The same way no world leader criticized the lockdowns or objected to any of the tyrannical measures imposed on their populations, is what`s happening now with Israel. The main stream media will show the carnage to make people angry, and make them even angrier when nothing is being done to stop it. It`s to demoralize the world, make people give up hope, make people disheartened and depressed , so they`ll be easier to manipulate and control. That is where we are. Switch off the main stream media, and get ready for a very rough 2025.

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