Jailed for riding an Electric bike in Egypt 🇪🇬

3 days ago

"Frustrated Efforts to Cycle Down the Nile"

My journey down the Nile River from Abu Sir to Beni Suef was repeatedly interrupted by police interference. After being detained at a checkpoint for two hours, I was allowed to continue my journey. However, this respite was short-lived. The police soon caught up with me again, escorting me southward before forcing me to return to the original checkpoint. I spent another three hours there before being ordered to return to my accommodation in Abu Sir.

The harassment didn't end there. The police began monitoring my movements through the guesthouse's reception. To evade their constant surveillance, I decided to take a taxi to Beni Suef. However, the police's obsession with tracking me continued. They called my taxi driver every five minutes and provided unnecessary police escorts throughout the journey. The taxi driver was bewildered by their excessive behavior.

Upon arriving in Beni Suef, I was informed that I was not permitted to roam the streets freely. I was required to call the police for escorts whenever I wanted to go out. The hotel manager was equally confused by this arbitrary restriction. It became evident that the police were intentionally harassing me to discourage my cycling journey across Egypt. Despite my frustration and the absurdity of the situation, I was powerless to resist their arbitrary rules. Ultimately, I decided to abandon my cycling plans in Egypt.

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