CANCER CURE COVERUP-Debunking Big Pharma ATTACKS On Apricot Seeds (Josh Sigurdson w/John Richardson)

2 days ago

Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media talks with John Richardson of Richardson Nutritional Center about the truth behind Apricot Seeds, or more notably Laetrile and Amygdalin as mainstream media and alternative media attack the supplement that many believe to be a cancer cure with out-of- context studies and mal-intent.

Recently someone, who will remain unnamed, in alternative media went on the attack against John Richardson, son of Dr. John Richardson Sr whose work with Ernst T Krebs in the 1970s exposed the wonders of Apricot Seeds to the world. In the attack video posted to YouTube by a man who won't even show his face on video, a 1978 and 1981 study were looked at, presenting false information about animals, cyanide and more with extremely easily debunkable claims. The creator of the video had to go out of his way to find these studies which leave out the additional chemical compounds used alongside Laetrile which caused the problems noted in the dogs in the study.

This is not just stupidity. It's wrong.

Millions of lives have been changed due to Apricot Seeds (or Vitamin B17).

As soon as chemotherapy entered the scene, Amygdalin which was accepted as a useful tool against cancer by the FDA (and health organizations including the National Cancer Institute) suddenly ended up the target of vicious big pharma attacks.

G. Edward Griffin wrote the book "World Without Cancer" and the thousands of testimonials from people whose lives were changed forever have filled our past videos. Still, people who can't imagine we've been lied to about cancer attack Apricot Seeds while not even touching chemotherapy which kills 95% of people and has killed over 100 million over the last half-century.

In this video, John Richardson breaks down examples of success, quotes by some of the most prestigious names in science and personal experience dealing with Apricot Seeds his entire life.

GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:
Use code JOSH to save money!

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