2 months ago

SHEILA R. VITALE: Judeo-Christian Spiritual Philosophy - Topics Include: Telegram Link to Message Notes: https://t.me/ChristCenteredKabbalah; Link to 12 Diagrams - https://1drv.ms/o/s!Ap-dhVXKWfpx2WGYp... Exhortation on Apocryphal Book: The Wisdom of Solomon Ch 7; Completion of the Saints; Mature Spiritual Man; Intelligent Animals; Humanity is married to the Dragon; Jesus comes as a thief; Jesus is stealing us from the Dragon; Jesus is building a house for His father; The Tower of Babel is a Counterfeit; The House is built on Wisdom; The Elohim was created; Warfare; Healing; Deliverance; Repentance; World to Come is inside of us; Spirit of Wisdom; The New Creature, The Glorified Jesus Christ; Friend of God; Share God’s Word; Overcome Sins; Put our Sin on the Alter; Primordial Reptile; Your Animal Soul can be Defiled; We are Behemoth - Spiritual Christianity; Bible Teacher of the Doctrine of Christ, Answering the Hard Questions About Jesus; Social Commentary, Analytical Reviews

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