They will be shocked… Oh how I dread what I must do! ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

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Oh how I dread what I must do… They will be shocked!

December 24, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “Oh, how I dread what I must do. Oh, how I dread it! All of humanity will be in shock and totally disoriented. All but the most remote, to answer your unspoken thought, My love.”

(Clare) I was thinking of those who live in the wilderness and don’t ever get any news, and they’re far away from the influence of people.

(Jesus) “This must come to pass. The glory of having you in My presence forever must first be preceded by this horrendous trial upon the Earth. No, it shall not come nigh your dwelling, but the terror and confusion all around the globe will be inescapable.

“My sorrow and mourning for the lost – this will hang heavy upon the Earth, like a thick, dark mantle of agony. Tormented souls who cry out as their blood is shed will cover the Earth with their sobs, with no one to comfort them, as many descend into Hell.

“And My Bride? What shall she do? She shall behold the consequences of what has been done to ravage the Earth. But then she shall accompany Me into Glory, where every tear will be wiped away. Where we will celebrate her Homecoming.

“But before that moment, I must suffer My Passion, all over again, Clare. Remember, in those moments in the Garden, when all was revealed to Me, what I was about to suffer for. The physical suffering was and never could be comparable to the mental, emotional anguish of those screaming and crying out for mercy.

“Yet mercy will be denied them, because the hour of mercy has vanished. The time has come when My mercy must be swallowed up in judgment. And Oh, how bitter that is for Me!”

(Clare) I wrapped my arms around the Lord and held Him tightly, hoping to bring Him comfort. Only a little drop in truly a vast ocean of misery. And He wept bitterly. My very little part was to hold Him, almost as if I were holding Him upright, because He was slumped over me in utter despondency.

(Jesus) “Yet I will have My way with this world. Yes, suffering will abound, but Glory will follow.

“Once the Earth is purified, it will rise again out of the ashes. And those who inhabit it will be trained in the ways of holiness from sea to sea. Yet that kernel of evil must be forever purged from the Earth, and for that reason I will allow the Earth a time of rest.”

(Clare) Here He is referring to the 1,000 year reign of peace.

(Jesus) “For those who are hell-bent, I will give them time to rise up again until the Purification is complete. Yes, this second time of purifying will bring forth the evil and corrupt seeds of Satan, to be destroyed and stripped of their influence, once and for all.

“And you shall stand by My side, and behold it with your own eyes, Clare. Yes, the time is coming when evil shall no longer have a voice. Oh, the mysteries to be revealed! So many mysteries. And you will come to understand all things. No longer will you have any question. Rather you will be fully enlightened as to the ‘why’ of everything.

“Do not despair. You’ve been strengthened. Stand strong! This is your time of vindication. It is at hand. No longer will they say… ‘Where is your God?’ No, rather, they will say… ‘THIS is YOUR God? The Mighty and Powerful One? No wonder you love Him!’ Yet, they will not understand My love. Be prepared. Be strengthened. It is coming.”

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