Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Israel is A TERRIOST STATE We Don’t Fuck Them We WILL Be FUCKED!!

2 days ago

Trump Media Announces Release of Truth+ Streaming App for Android Devices


Restored Republic via a GCR as of October 11, 2024

EBS Alert
Black Swan Event
NESARA/ GESARA Revolution Early Next Week
The US Navy and Aircraft Carriers Have Moved Into Battle Formation
Along the US West Coast, the US Pacific Coast and Throughout the Mediterranean.
Trust the Plan!



Israel kills another Palestinian footballer as FIFA votes to shield it


Satanyahu was behind the assassination attempt on Trump

FBI Is Behind The Iranian Assassins, Plan Is Working, Sometimes You Must Show The People

The [DS] created the narrative that Iran is behind the assassination attempts against Trump. Trump assassinated their leader and now the [DS] is making it seem like this is why Iran is coming after him. In reality it's the FBI staging this. The plan is working, people that were against Trump say Kamala is worse. Sometimes you must show the people. Only when people hit the precipice will they find the will to change.

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict: Iran's secret service head was Mossad double agent, claims Ahmadinejad

Hassan Rouhani & Mohammad Javad Zarif sold their soul to the devil!!

Iran's Quds Force Chief Esmail Qaani Israeli Spy? Iran's Top Man Mossad Agent? Interrogation Details


LIVE | America Goes Pro-Palestine At UNSC, Shocks Netanyahu; USA Abandoning Israel? United Nations

LIVE | After Putin's Warning, Israel's Big Iran Surrender, Attack Plan Aborted?

Is Iran having nuclear weapons bullshit?

Pat Buchanan said that Iran to the RIGHT to develop nuclear weapons
Netanyahu trying to lead US into war with Iran. Pat Buchanan accuses Israel of manipulating US to fight Iran.

Satanyahu thinks he could put the Americans in his pocket like what Ariel Sharon did. This is a new world with great spirit rising up with the WILL to eliminate the ZIOPIGS from the face of the world once and for all!!

The Iranian government today received a bill to be voted on soon. The bill is called "The Plan For The DEVELOPMENT of The NUCLEAR Industry."

There are no details YET about the outlines of this legislation or who exactly prepared it, but obviously it will be approved by a good majority. A growing number of lawmakers are supporting a full-fledged Iranian nuclear weapons 🚀 program.

This Iranian bill is the GREEN LIGHT 🚦 to announce the "expansion of Iran's nuclear industry" and officially announce to the world that Iran is as a nuclear power with NUCLEAR WEAPONS.


Iran To Launch Preemptive Strikes On Israel? Tehran's Big Announcement & Message To Netanyahu

Iran Vs Israel: Israel Jails Journalist Who Exposed Damage To Military Bases By Iran Attack

Iran Can Destroy Israel IF it Calls Israel's Nuke Bluff

China deploys Laser Defense System to shield Iran's Supreme Leader from potential Israeli strikes?

LIVE | Iran To Launch New Strikes On Tel Aviv Airport, Israeli Energy Sites? IRGC Bombshell List Out

Iran must revenge the death of their scientists, period!!

Dear Supreme leader Ali Khamenei all the way...You must show them the REAL POWER of GREAT IRAN just like what President Putin had done!!!!!!!

The ZIOPIGS attacked Russia because they said that they are weak and this was because President Putin didn’t stop the attack on Lugansk and Donbass instead focus on the Mink agreement negotiation...

Before we go to war with Iran, let's have a listen to what their former leader had to say


6 Failed Jewish States Before Israel

Red Cows and Israel in the End Of Times | Ustadh Wahaj Tarin

I’m a Catholic. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about the Palestinian people. My heart is broken with what happened to Gaza 😭😭😭 Its inhumane. They are always included in my prayers🙏🙏

“But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is The Best of Planners." - The Holy Quran - Surah Al-Anfal (8:30)

I'm not Muslim and I love this channel. It's incredibly informative. I have stood with Palestine for decades. Standing with Palestine means standing with humanity. We must stand with the oppressed. We must stand for Truth and Freedom. "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.' - Nelson Mandela. Pray for Palestine. Amen.


Does the Quran Predict the End of Israel? || Ustadh Wahaj Tarin

I am Catholic, but like your teachings. Not that I will ever convert to Islam, yet I respect intellectual people like you brother. And I support Palestine. Anyone with some decency cannot live in peace of heart when so much suffering is going on in Gaza.

One person read this message and suddenly said: «SubahanAllah». Then he said: «Alhamdulillah». He continued reading and said, «Laa ilaaha illa Allah». He felt so good and so he said: «Allahu Akbar». He wanted to be pure, so he asked Allah for forgiveness «Astagfirulloh, Astagfirulloh, Astagfirullah» and finally, out of love and respect for his beloved Prophet ﷺ, he said: «Sali Allahu alayhi wa sallam». By doing this, he has already earned so many rewards from Allah...————————————————————————————
You know who this man is? «Masha Allah» it's you!


Is Modern Israel Actually the Same as Biblical Israel? MUST SEE!

Yes, it isn’t. The majority of Jews who immigrated in ISR from Europe are descendants of the Khazarian Jews from the steppes of Central Asia and called as Ashkenazi in Europe as they embraced Judaism/Slavic culture. They’re not the same as the ancient Hebrews.



Why did the Ashkenazi Jews appear in the 12th century, at the same time the Khazarian Jews disappeared from history?

Are Jews Indigenous to Israel?

It is evident from observing these videos that Ashkenazi Jews from Europe receive significantly more attention and more exposure compared to Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East. It is unfortunate that the descendants of the Jews who settled in the Middle East, who are geographically closer to the Promised Land, do not receive the attention they rightfully deserve. hope next vids they post more length vids on Mizrahi Jews.


The REAL story of Ishmael: what they don't tell you

This talk reminded me of my time volunteering on a kibbutz in Israel. The Jews on the kibbutz warned us about the Arabs, they told us they were sexual predators, dishonest, violent, thieves. I was scared when I travelled in Arab areas and never spoke to Arabs. Then one day I was sitting by the Dead Sea with my pal. We were skinny white kids on thread bare towels and must have looked a sight. An Arab family next to us sent their kids over with food and drink, we were very British and refused their offerings they were very Arab and refused our refusal. Anyway they fed us beautiful food and drink. We couldn’t understand a word they said, but I recognised pure selfless generosity that day, oh and their kids just melted our hearts they were back and forth like waiters but with such beautiful smiles. I related our experience to the Kibbutzniks, and they said they were only being kind because it was part of their religion. I was astonished by this response, I meditated on it long and hard, and eventually converted to Islam. Thanks for the speech Rabbi you make me laugh.



Red Ice Radio: Michael Tsarion 22JUN2006 Part 1

Micheal Tsarion & Red Ice Creation 6/6 CAP.2 - Massoneria & Comunismo

Published on Jan 6, 2010

Michael Tsarion. Akhenaten and Hijacked History. Atonism 6/6. Red Ice Creations

Uploaded on Feb 17, 2012

The Bible book of Pharaohs, Cult of Aton's world alliances, The twelve lost tribes, from Egypt to Rome...
Michael Tsarion interview with Henrick Palmgren...2007


The Church and Israel in Crisis

Published on Sep 14, 2013

In today's programme we are joined by Lance Lambert and Chuck Cohen.
Our subject on the Middle East Report today is as how as Christians we should approach the days we are living in and our responsibility as Christians to stand with the Jewish people.

Guests: -

Lance Lambert -
Chuck Cohen - Director, Intercessors for Israel,


How the Jews Treat Christians in Israel - It's Serious!

Uploaded on Sep 21, 2010

Christians are the most hated people for these Jews! I guess they think they are superior breed? Well soon they will get to know what they have missed all their life... Without JESUS and his Love for them... ONLY JESUS SAVES... Wake up nuts!!!


Palestinian Christians Respond to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

Published on Apr 26, 2012

On the CBS program 60 Minutes on April 22, 2012, the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, claimed Palestinian Christians were leaving the Israeli-occupied West Bank due to Muslim extremism and not Israel's occupation. We showed Palestinian Christians in the West Bank Oren's comments and asked for their response


Christians Harassed By Israel ~ Zionists Against Churches

Published on Aug 9, 2012


Israel Persecutes Christians - 60 Minutes

Published on Jul 28, 2012


Palestinian Christians are Christians descended from the people of the geographical area of Palestine, the birthplace of Christianity.

Within Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan, there are churches and believers from many Christian denominations, including Oriental Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholic (Eastern and Western rites), Protestant, and others.

In both the local dialect of Palestinian Arabic and in classical or modern standard Arabic;

Christians are called Nasrani (a derivative of the Arabic word for Nazareth, al-Nasira) or Masihi (a derivative of Arabic word Masih, "Messiah").

In Hebrew, they are called Notzri (also spelt Notsri), which means "Nazarene".

Christians comprise less than 4% of Palestinians living within the borders of former Mandate Palestine today.

They are approximately 4% of the West Bank population, less than 1% in Gaza, and nearly 10% of Israel's Palestinian population.

According to official British Mandate estimates, Mandate Palestine's Christian population varied between 9.5% (1922) and 7.9% (1946) of the total population.

Today, the majority of Palestinian Christians live outside of the former Mandate Palestine because of emigration in response to the 1948 War, and the Six-Day War in 1967, occupation by Jordan, Egypt, and Israel, and Muslim pressure, but many still live in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories.

Christians of Gaza
Gaza's Christian community mostly lives within the city, especially in areas neighbouring the three main churches:

Church of Saint Porphyrius, The Holy Family Catholic Church in Zeitoun Street, and the Gaza Baptist Church, in addition to an Anglican chapel in the Al-Ahli Al-Arabi Arab Evangelical Hospital.

Saint Porphyrius is an Orthodox Church that dates back to the 12th century. Gaza Baptist Church is the city's only Evangelical Church.

It lies close to the Legislative Council (parliamentary building).

Christians in Gaza freely practice their religion.

They also may observe all the religious holidays in accordance with the Christian calendars followed by their churches.

Those among them working as civil servants in the government and in the private sector are given an official holiday during the week, which some devote to communal prayer in churches.

Christians are permitted to obtain any job, in addition to having their full rights and duties as their Muslim counterparts in accordance with the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, the regime, and all the systems prevailing over the territories.

Moreover, seats have been allocated to Christian citizens in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) in accordance with a quota system that allocates based on a significant Christian presence.

A census revealed that 40 percent of the Christian community worked in the medical, educational, engineering and law sectors.

Additionally, the churches in Gaza are renowned for the relief and educational services that they offer, and Muslim citizens participate in these services.

Palestinian citizens as a whole benefit from these services. The Latin Patriarchate School, for example, offers relief in the form of medication and social and educational services.

The school has been offering services for nearly 150 years.

In 1974, the idea of establishing a new school was proposed by Father Jalil Awad, a former parish priest in Gaza who recognized the need to expand the Latin Patriarchate School and build a new complex.

Today, the Holy family school has 1,250 students and the Roman Catholic primary school, which is an extension of the Latin Patriarchate School, continues to enrol a rising number of young students.

The primary school was established approximately 20 years ago. Aside from education, other services are offered to Muslims and Christians alike with no discrimination.

Services include women's groups, students' groups and youth groups, such as those offered at the Baptist Church on weekdays.

Palestinian Christian population on steady decline
Thu Aug 9, 201

The number of Palestinian Christians is on a steady decline. In East Jerusalem Al Quds, the birth place of Christianity, they make less than 2 percent of the population. And you will get more than one explanation, depending on who you ask.

Israel's Ambassador in Washington for example will tell you that it is Palestinian groups to be exact that is behind the exodus of Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem especially after the Palestinian Authority assumed some responsibilities there. But Ambassador Oren does not provide answers why the number of Christians in East Jerusalem for example, which is under full Israeli grip, is on the decline.

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