"Caitlin Clark Is Leaving The WNBA"

3 months ago

"Caitlin Clark Is Leaving The WNBA"
Fake News is the only news our government allows. Fake news said she is going to play overseas. I pray that this is true, because the WNBA does not deserve Caitlin Clark.
Believe it or not I only received one (1) comment on this articles, and it said "Click Bait".
My content is more factual than 90% of all the Internet, and that is the only comment I received.
That is what America has come to now.
America has literally weaponized the first Amendment of Freedom of Speech, The Press, Assembly, and Freedom To Protest.
Anyone that dose not live under a rock knows this, but does nothing about it.
And I am tired of giving you all this factual content and you don't even subscribe or write a comment, so I will be posting rarely from now on; if any at all.

Caitlin Clark Is Leaving the WNBA By: RandivnaBasketball.com
She has finally had enough mental and physical abuse.
When everybody said the stab in the eye with a weapon on the basketball court was an accident, when clearly it was intentional, she realized that her life was at stake and she had no protection. There was no foul call for this brutal deliberate criminal assault.
The WNBA, The NBA, The Officials, The Media, The WNBA Players, and Black Jealous Haters all say it was an accident....and it is plain to see that it was deliberate.
When you watch the video everyone will try to tell you that you did not see what you actually saw.....we are all suppose to be that stupid.
This is the most dangerous deliberate act of violence ever by the opponent in the history of sports in America.
Happy to see you leave Caitlin Clark.
Caitlin will soon play overseas or in the new American Normal Women's Basketball Association (ANWBA).
Be safe Caitlin.
By: RandivnaBasketball.com

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