Jewish Comedian jokes about his Holocaust Denying mother & how they brainwashed her to BELIEVE!

3 days ago
Research Jewish history on free speech platforms where the truth is protected. Expose the Holocaust lie as your life & freedom depend on it. The Holocaust lie is critical to the Jewish NWO conspiracy as it acts to prevent criticism and opposition to elite criminal Jewry and their wicked agenda to enslave humanity.

The Holocaust is a Jewish fraud, complete with the sacred never-changing 6 million number, ridiculous false atrocity fairytales of soap, lampshades and shrunken heads made of Jews, and gassing people to death with bug spray in delousing chambers.

Yes, the Germans put many treasonous enemy commie criminal Jews (and non-Jew traitors) in camps, but these camps were work camps, not "extermination" camps. There was no plan by Germany to "exterminate all the Jews. There was a plan to expel the Jews from Germany. Those who died in the camps died overwhelmingly from typhus and other diseases due to the breakdown in conditions and supplies and food inside Germany and Poland due to the war. These sanctions and shortages were all contrived by the Jewish communist....infiltrators within the American, British, and French "allied forces. "Nowhere near 6 million Jews died in the camps. Records show only tens of thousands of Jew scums (and non-Jew traitors) died in all of the German camps.

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