Witch in the Swamp/CHANNEL UPDATE | Graveyard Keeper #10

4 months ago

Welcome back to Graveyard Keeper! I found the path to get to the center of the swamp, thanks to this mystical knowledge provider (google) where I meet with the witch. She unfortunately has lost her memory and won't be of much help until I HELP HER with getting it back. It's always something else... I then talk with Ms. Charm who has a message for Snake that I must deliver. I also fix up Euric's room a little bit where I find a tooth that belongs to Gerry. I visit the merchant to give him some grass to cure his hiccups and I go explore the Quarry area Northwest of my house. And then I end things all with a sad goodbye.

That's right, I will be away for "x" amount of time. Don't know when I'll be back but it will be as soon as possible. Bye for now😥

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Thanks for watching, KirbyJuan.

Hey you, yea you with the eyes and reading these words, what're ya doing down here?

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