From Chinese Web Novel: Overpowered Hero Takes Down All in Epic Showdowns!

11 days ago

1. Subtitles may not be 100% accurate; they’re just a guide, so rely on the spoken content of the novel.
2. You can adjust the speaking speed to your liking.
3. This novel is purely fictional. I apologize if any character or country mentioned feels offensive or unpleasant. This story, featuring an unbeatable protagonist and a lot of showboating, is mainly for beginner web novel enthusiasts.
4. The main character’s power is often unrealistic. If you find it too absurd, I apologize—after all, this is an entry-level work for novice readers.
5. Many names in this novel are in Chinese pinyin. I apologize if this feels unfamiliar. Many great novels, like wuxia and xiuxian, come from China. Once you get used to these names, reading Chinese novels will flow more smoothly.
6. If you have any suggestions or requests, please let me know. I’ll take note and make improvements as appropriate.
7. Book summary: The UK has MI6, the US has the CIA, and China has the Dragon Group, known as a mysterious force in the East. When an eliminated elite soldier reappears on the Dragon Group’s roster, no one realizes that this seemingly inconspicuous guy is the toughest dragon king to deal with!
Mercenary: “Report! Our secret team has come under attack and suffered heavy losses.”
Command Center: “How many enemies are there?”
Mercenary: “Just… one person! He’s holding a joker card.”
Command Center: “What? Retreat immediately!”

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