The Powerful Testimony of Aric Keith, Who Has Carried The Cross Worldwide For 16 Years

6 days ago

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In This fourth podcast episode, hear Arik's dream and vision filled encounters with Jesus, and how he was led by the Lord Himself to take up his cross and follow Him -- literally! Aric has been carrying the cross in Waco, TX and all over the world for 16 years. His powerful testimony will empower and energize you to seek the plans Jesus has for your own life. No matter what anyone has told you, you are special and unique to the One who made you, cares for you, sees you, and died for you - Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

When Jesus was asked by His disciples in Matthew 24 how they would know the end of the world was upon them, He responded by giving them a chronological list of events that would come to pass. The very FIRST thing He mentioned was a 'great deception' that would be disseminated by false prophets who would say, 'I am the christ!,' and 'the time is drawing near!.' Folks, did you know that these people are already saying that 'they are the christ,' and are waiting for the moment when they will be 'switched on' to carry forth the New Age gospel? They acknowledge Jesus, but not as the Savior of the world who was fully human, fully God, and died on the cross for your sins and mine. They actually USE scripture, twisting it and misinterpreting it to try to dismantle the identity of the One and only True Jesus of Nazareth, who ALONE is the Christ. Believe or not, and you should believe it, this coming religion will one day soon emerge from the shadows and take the world stage complete with lying signs and wonders, and will cause the 'great falling away' spoken about by the apostle Paul in Thessalonians. Hold fast to Jesus, and don't let go. If you are a prisoner to New Age spiritualism, you are not alone, you are not crazy, and there IS hope and a way to get free of it! Send Aric and Shawn a Rumble message if you need help and someone to pray with you to CANCEL the rights and BREAK the chains these demons masquerading as Ascended Masters have over you.

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