Seeing the Invisible: Probabilities and Possibilities

4 days ago

Greeting of the Day, Possible Professors of Proximal Origins.
I was in the introduction to religion classes while attempting to knock out two birds with one stone while in college: 1) appease my benefactor paying for my elite, private school education, who had wanted his eldest son to follow what had become quite a family tradition, as it had been in the family of Isaiah, who did not himself see the Lord, high and lifted up until the year that Uziah had been infected by leprosy, and 2) fulfill requirements for a distribution of liberal arts courses to be awarded a baccalaureate degree, when Dr. Sprunt, a retired minister, had opened the class with the Elizabeth Barrett Browning quote regarding how every bush was afire, at least for those with eyes of faith, and while a novel coronavirus had been established as empirically beyond the powers of a mustard seed able to move a mountain, many are familiar with the thought about how all things are possible, and I shall let you finish the rest, or say, "Amen", if you find the page. 
In February, with promotion in a science journal, and post on social media, using the Dentyne "9 out of 10 doctors recommend" appeal to authority, a logical fallacy, we find not those many who are called, but few chosen, as much as 1138 "experts" invited, and only 168 accepting the invitation, not to a banquet, as members of my defrocked Southern Baptist Church have been, but to participate in a survey to determine how what probability they assign to the various theories proffered about the origins of a novel virus that had managed to beat Hitler in half the time of the Holocaust. 
I have, during times of a stolen valor, at least according to the probabilities assigned by folks with blogs that boast suicide counts, been associated with a former Deputy Director of the CIA, who, let's just say detests my existence, in the most endearing way, and when I saw his presentation at the International Spy Museum on the Abbottabad Raid, the 43 minutes on ground, one mile from the West Point of Pakistan, which somehow, even with the thunderous sounds of a crashed Blackhawk and attempts to detonate compromising contents and parts, had failed to arouse anyone--not even the reports of small arms fire, and he had claimed that one former President had assigned a toss of a coin chance to the target, a planner of the 9/11 terror attacks, before deploying special operations to apprehend them, while he had assigned a 60% probability, my only question was: based upon what? Of course, Mike Morell has the opinion editorial in the New York Times with the famous line: "How do I know? I was there." Drop the mike. That obviously settles the question, like if the glove don't fit, you must acquit. What if the glove belonged to a gardener, who had returned that evening, saw a murder going on, and decided to make a hasty exit lest he get blamed? It's entirely possible. 
And for what had been only the seventh human coronavirus, six of which have been SL-CoVs, while the first was more akin to a chicken coronavirus, like the first discovered, which had began a rather fatal epidemic of bronchitis amongst poultry in 1932, as Europe marched towards war, and five of which suddenly emerged with SARS, between 2003 and 2005, four of which now join OC229E in comprising 30% of our common cold, some 25% assign a probability of 90 to 100% for a natural origin?  The most abundant biological particles in the world, which had produced only 219 threats to mankind before the novel coronavirus that set off the longest respiratory tract infection pandemic in history? The coronavirus with the ophidian codon usage bias, an aberration from nature because coronaviruses infect exclusively mammalian and avian species, but not reptilian species? The coronavirus that had required twice the infectious dose required to infect a human with anthrax to infect the least resistant Syrian hamster and up to ten million particles in infectious dose to infect the most resistant of that species? Graphically, for SARS-CoV-2, we are talking a throw rug with a diameter just two inches shorter than Fauci, in the lowest infectious dose, and a throw rug that would eclipse the Washington Monument against Mighty Mouse hamsters. One would reasonably believe that an instantaneous transfer of that many particles would block the airway and asphyxiate the hamster before he caught COVID-19, or he could just be described as a COVID-19 related death on the hamster dashboard. 
Reproducibility of results and replicability of methods are the hallmarks of the scientific method, and this quantum has been required for everything from ferrets and transgenic mice to Rhesus monkeys, which also raises concerns as to why these researchers had so much "product" on hand, if a highly contagious disease requires no more than 15 particles in infectious dose, and what, for the love of God, might happen if that much pathogen had you know? Escaped? I'm thinking call Don Sutherland and Morgan Freeman in Outbreak moments, screaming "It's airborne!"
And, speaking of military themes, the OCAR, while posing for a photo op, receiving a dose of a countermeasure developed without the prerequisite knowledge of infectious dose, and for a pioneering usage for adenovirus and mRNA treatments, had posed the thought, as a graduate in applied mathematics at Carnegie Mellon, that she did not want to play roulette with this virus, because she could be asymptomatic, i.e., coughing and sneezing, presenting asymptomatic signs of infection that the WHO had determined played no role in over 75,000 cases of infection in Wuhan and the surrounding areas in February 2020, or on a respirator, which, with an average infection age of 51, the equivalent of two maneuver brigades in manpower of epidemiologists had completed painstaking contact tracing to determine that, based upon raw data, the calculated secondary attack rate was less than five percent, better than your chance today of getting into Harvard, a little more competitive than Carnegie Mellon, and your chance of winning on a two number combination at roulette, American style, while, provided you were in the median population, you had only a 3.8% chance of dying, tripled if over 80, and only about a 14% chance of going to a hospital, your chances of being just injured, which could mean anything short of dying to include a broken fingernail, when actually skydiving, and not performing static line drops, like military equipment. Some people, no names, can't distinguish. They both have parachutes, both descend from airborne platforms. Ergo? So why aren't UFOs airplanes or helicopters? 
So, can you contact the brave 168 volunteers for some follow-up to obtain the bases for their assignments of probability of a natural origin, since generally, while, as even Neil de Grasse Tyson has claimed, those folks who believe in a cosmic Santa Claus and life abundant in paradise, do this on just their opinions and beliefs, with no basis in fact or science, albeit akin to folks who believe there is intelligent life in the universe and some alien apparent slaves the government is hiding at Area 51, we expect scientists to be data-driven. And could you have them determine a probability that residents in the most educated municipality in Virginia, second in the nation, but who require a color-coded cheat sheet, equipped with a prefilled dot to assist them in distinguishing between their Ds and their Rs might find offspring genetically incapable of getting accepted to Harvard? We had 43% defy the gravity of hitting the floor after falling from a chair in the Class of 2022, failing to catch an acceptance letter to Peekaboo VCU, with its 91% selection rate, in the "fall".  I say, "Pass your sheet forward, because you are not qualified to sit for this White supremacy exam." And, ask the President: I ain't really Black. Quod erat demonstrandum.
I believe, and don't quote me, it was that preacher's kid who had asked, How long? And the response was not until every city is barren and the earth is desolate, which another pandemic might bring sooner. Call me if you need a biological warfare planner with experience. I'm in "The Book."
And on that revelatory note, Chaplains, can ya close us all out in prayer?

Major Mike WebbYou can't save the world if you are NEVER born!

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