No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 064: Finishing Letter Tiles and starting on Banner

3 days ago

Streamed on 2024-10-10 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Yesterday the new letter tiles weren't working when setting the text for a guess. After a bit of fishing around I determined that hyphenating long words when word wrapping wasn't worth it and ripped all that code out. With a bit of a refactor around individual letter coloring, the text started behaving again. With the tiles updating correctly it was time to finish hooking in the new letter tiles. Most of the work involved walking through the logic happening in the old guesses and mirroring it in the new guesses. Other than a couple of small road bumps it was pretty smooth sailing. The new guesses look much better than the old ones and the animations work quite well. Once the new guesses worked as well as the new ones, I ripped out the old ones and things look clean and consistent.

For the last hour I started putting the new Banner art assets in. They show up fine, but don't do anything yet. I want to move the logic for the Banner out of GameScene and into the Banner. But that is a task for next week.

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