Sabbath Message (Audio) for 10/08/47/120 - 12/10/2024

4 months ago

Christian Churches of God - SABBATH MESSAGE - 10/08/47/120 - 12/10/2024

Sabbath  10/08/47/120
Dear Friends
Today is the Second Sabbath of the Eighth Month. The subject for study this week is Fall of Babylon (No. 141D_3B). We have followed the development over 2024 from the close of the Four Hundred Years of Abraham’s Legacy (No. 212J) in December 2023 on through the Sanctification process of 2024 to Pentecost and we have studied how the Great Tribulation is to unfold from after Tabernacles 2024 in accordance with the Temple Calendar. The Fallen Host have prepared for the implementation of the Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and they have resolved in many nations to implement the Globalist New World Order (NWO) while we were at the Feast of Tabernacles and we will discuss that on the following Sabbath.
We are now entering the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) (see also the video at The Rumble links at Satan is about to begin to wipe out his dirty work in preparation to eliminate mankind as far as he is able to do so (see Planned Destruction of Humanity (No. 141D_2B)). His next phase is to eliminate the Whore and her Harlot daughters (see No. 299B), The Last Pope (No. 288) and also the Sack of the Vatican (No. 141D_3); No 141D_3A and No. 141D_3B above). Over the next few months we will see the Wars of Amalek (No. 141C) reach their final conclusions with the War of the Fifth Trumpet continuing on in the biochemical phases and then reach their conclusions in the War of the Sixth Trumpet. The Wars in the Middle East will now escalate and spread into Iran with the fall of the Islamic Regime there and then into China and the war with Taiwan and into Korea and finally into Russia and Europe. On the Rumble link above you will see the videos on each of these sections of the Wars of the End over the entire No. 141 series there.  
Over the next 43 months the world will be cleaned up with the Messiah arriving to end the current age and begin the millennial reign for the next thousand years from March 2028, under the Loyal Host of the First Resurrection (No. 143A).Over the immediate future the Two Witnesses should take up for their 1260 days (No. 141D), dealing with the world in preparation for the Return of the Messiah at the end of the 1264 days for Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E) and the War Against Christ (No. 141E_2).
Messiah and the Loyal Host will imprison the Fallen Host and Satan at their arrival for the First Resurrection and the reorganisation of the world and the removal of all the false religions of the world (End of False Religion (No. 141F). Then the world will be as it was with Israel in the Exodus, only as it is stated in Isiaah Chs. 65 and 66, and as it was with the church in 30 CE at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit (No. 117) was given to it on a general basis under the Apostles. So will it be for the entire world for the millennial system. 
We will now prepare the world for the arrival of the Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah, as we have done for the Churches of God and the world for the last thirty years (Nos 044; 219) from Abib 1994 to Abib 2024.  The world may well ignore what we have told them, but they cannot say that they have not been told, and warned as to what is before them.
The next three and one half years are to be the most traumatic in the history of the world. Only the Holy Seed will be able to survive to the end and live past Pentecost 2028 and survive into the Millennium under the Messiah.
Our capacity to live on will depend entirely on our relationship with God and Christ.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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